
Changes to Site Time



09-01-2018, 10:49 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2018, 10:52 PM by Ardent.)
Hi everyone,

After significant discussion, Ardent staff have decided that the rate at which we advance seasons on site seems slightly too rushed. Currently, the site is on half time, which means that every 1 OOC day is the equivalent of 2 IC days. Likewise, each OOC month actually is 2 IC months. Because of this pace, each season passes in a month and a half OOC, which can seem extremely rushed when many of us have pretty busy lives off-site.

Our answer to this is to slow down time slightly - 2 OOC months will now equal a season. Basically, what this means is that site time is 1/3rd slower than real time, or 2/3rds the speed of real time. Nothing will change with birthing times, and with litters' playable - though this will make gestation periods fairly shorter than they are in real life, the change shouldn't feel very noticeable, since our site contains some fantasy elements anyway.

For reference, this means that every 2 days OOC is the equivalent of 3 days IC.

Time estimates:
2 months OOC = 1 Season IC (92 IC days)
1 month OOC = 46 IC days
1 week OOC = 11 IC days

This is effectively immediately. Keep in mind that this is subject to change in the future, but we feel it might better fit the activity of site members and allow things to progress without feeling so rushed through the seasons!

(If anyone is nervous, this is literally just adding two weeks of OOC time to each season, so it's not a huge change, even if it seems a bit confusing at first.)

Let us know if you have any questions! ❤