
you looked at death in a tarot card



5 Years
09-02-2018, 01:57 PM

There was not the blankness that she was expecting when she asked for Miss Sparrow. He knew her. He offered a curt nod of affirmation. "Sparrow is still here, we have only had a slight..." the hesitation in his voice brought a pang of curiosity to her, followed swiftly by concern. "shift in the leadership. She is still free to negotiate with you, however, if you like." he finished. Without waiting for an answer, he tipped back his head and let loose a booming howl for the wolf in question. The shaman waited for him to be finished. With a warm smile, she said "Thank you, Mr. Abraxas."

It didn't take altogether long for Miss Sparrow to arrive, her delicate form seeming to be absent one moment and present the next. "Olya, correct? How do you do?" she questioned, making a point of placing herself in front of the titanic male to speak. "I see you brought another member with you." she added, gazing curiously at her student. Ah yes, Divo had changed quite dramatically from the gangly youngster who had hidden behind her- their mother's legs last spring. A soft smile toyed at her lips, and she also looked to the tall wolf. "Yes, you likely wouldn't recognize Divo. They were quite young when we arrived last spring. I have taken it upon myself to train them to be the clan's next shaman." she informed the smaller alpha.

"I am well, by the way. We have been rather busy in the past seasons, and a few.." she hesitated. Did she tell Miss Sparrow the truth? Would it bode well, with this stranger watching on, to reveal such things? A soft breath in, and a soft breath out. Yes, the truth seemed the best course of action. "misfortunes fall upon us. An accident befell young Divo, which left us rather tied up with taking care of them for a season, and Mr. Morningstar- their father, was involved in some family issues that allowed misfortunes of another sort to fall upon the family. Thus, we couldn't hold up our trade agreement, and for that I apologize."

Glancing from Mr. Abraxas to Miss Sparrow, she shifted to the purpose of their visit upon the lands. "Regardless, we would like to extend an offer for a similar agreement this season. Miss Lirika is growing older, and we hope to make this year a much better one for her sake, and that of the family. Would you be open to such things?"

ooc. I'm so sorry for late reply. Life got mad busy in a big way xD

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