
Everything is falling apart



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
09-03-2018, 12:37 AM

She felt sort of bad for the way her brother looked, but what could she really do? She was hurt, and she felt like he was hurt in some way too, but for what reasons she didn't know. She didn't really want to say why she felt hurt, but she was never really good at hiding her feelings. "Please... Forgive me." Her gaze slowly drifted up to look at his face, noticing the way his features seemed almost twisted into something she'd never seen on him before. "I've fucked everything up." One ear twitched when she heard those words come out of his mouth, and it sounded strange hearing the word fuck come out of someone else's mouth that wasn't her father. Maybe things really were that bad for her brother to say things like that? She kept her mouth shut, not yet sure what to say until after he finished speaking.

It took her a few long moments as she thought, and the more she kept glancing in his direction, the more she felt her own heart hurt. She hated feeling like there was a wedge being driven between her family. First their mother had gone, and then Rory, and then Jaidah...Breasal was scarce enough as it was, so all she really had left was her father and Torin. But even they felt like they had been getting distant with all that had been going on.

She couldn't stand it anymore! She didn't want to feel like she was losing the family she loved so much. She always looked up to her father and Rory and even Torin before he--no..she couldn't stay mad at him for demoting her could she? While she didn't like the idea, maybe he had his reasons for it...she never asked why, simply just avoided him for her own reasons. Although she still felt hurt, she couldn't help herself. She quietly moved towards her brother and pressed her face into his chest, curling her smaller body up against her taller brother's chest and practically sitting between his forelegs. "I forgive you Tor..." She wasn't really sure if saying it would do anything, but maybe he needed to hear it, and she hoped her action would emphasize that she truly did forgive him and that she was sorry for not realizing how he might have been feeling sooner.

Walk, "Talk" Think
