
Weeds and Wildflowers

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
09-05-2018, 10:47 AM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2018, 10:53 AM by Dominus I.)

'Excellent!' It almost startled Dominus the way Tyranis suddenly praised him once he was finished, but immediately that stubby tail began to wag as he looked up to Ty and allowed him to take the blade from him. Awe man, he'd really done a nice job? There was a newfound sense of pride stirring within his chest and he couldn't help to puff it out and watch as Tyranis continued to show him what they were trying to accomplish here.

Okay, so his work had flattened the metal so it could be attached to the collar! That was a complex thought for Dominus, but he was understanding now that he could see Tyranis doing the work. His blue tongue lolled out of his mouth as he continued to watch, his eyes hungry for more until Tyranis turned to face him. Dominus listened as Ty introduced himself as his brother and he grinned wide as could be, pointy little teeth pristine white against the dark of his blue gums.

"I could tell," he said slyly... his tail and backside wiggling some as he confidently admitted this.

"You look a lot like father, annndd you make stuff just like him. I knew you had to be my brother. I'm Dominus, by the way. I'm the oldest of my litter!" He giggled and plopped down on his rump again, one paw raising as both it and his maw pointed toward Ty's neck.

"Who is that, though? Can I see him?" He perked up slightly, hoping that the snake heard him and would come out to show herself outside of Ty's fur.