
Who I Am



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
09-05-2018, 07:56 PM
The young woman had been staying closer to the Mangroves lately, keeping her training close to home with No Face. The Bat Hawk didn’t seem to mind, appreciating the fact that Philly wanted to keep close to her family for a while. But that didn’t mean she had given up on her idea of The Deliverance. The woman was just stewing on the idea, trying to tweak it, coming up with the best pack ranks and laws that she could think of. All the while… she knew she still had to confess to her mother what her plans were as well.

The female canted her head to the side as the cicadas began to cry. The days of summer were here and she found the days lazier than ever. But her mind was at work, and her conversations with No Face ended up becoming more frequent. Her heart was dedicated to becoming an alpha, like her father before her, and doing him proud. But would her mother agree to the idea of her forming a pack? Would she appreciate what Philomena sought to do? Or would she try to talk her out of it?

Philly decided to not let it bother her. Right now she was just glad to be close to her mother and brother, spending some much needed time with them after living with her uncle as a child. In fact she still stayed in the same den as her mother, wanting to keep her close. Philomena was protective of the other women for certain. She’d give everything she could for Roza in a heartbeat, and her brother too, if she was being honest.

“Mom?” The female asked quietly. “Are you awake yet?” Philomena shifted her head, her long mane falling before her eyes as she looked in the direction of the older woman. She had decided that today was going to be a day to spend with Roza alone… they hadn’t had nearly enough mother daughter time.