
Chasing Ghosts



1 Year
09-06-2018, 08:21 AM

Amaris Abraxas

The world was growing with each passing day, as was the young Abraxas girl. Though her other siblings seemed to be growing faster, larger, than she, Amaris wasn't giving up hope that she too would grow into an elegant giant like all the other women in her family. The tiny fawn girl was out around the den site, wandering around looking for something to do. That's when a flash of bright colors caught her chilly blue eye. Brown ears turned towards the sight, but found no sound to accompany the sudden movement. Curious as ever, the little girl trotted off in search of whatever it was that had caught her eye.

She had just rounded a rather large tree, draped in an endless supply of vines, when she saw it. Dazzling rich colors moved ever so softly through the air; wings so blue that it nearly sparkled when caught in the sunlight. The tiny creature floated through the air as if it didn't have a care in the world, as if no one was watching. But Amaris was, and she wanted to catch it. "Such a pretty butterfly.." said to no one in particular, the little huntress would stumble forward, tripping over the vines as she followed the movements of the butterfly.

Suddenly, the tiny creature stopped on a vine for a quick break, and that's when Amaris found her chance. The tiny huntress sprung forward, letting out a mighty feisty growl as she aimed for the butterfly. However, the tiny insect was too quick, and Amaris too inexperienced. So instead of capturing the alluring butterfly, the girl flew past and straight into the gaping hole of the tree truck hidden so cleverly behind a wall of vines. She landed with a lout thump, followed by a long groan that echoed through the hallow tree truck. "Stupid bug." She would grumble before attempting to push herself out of the hole, but she was stuck. And she was stuck good.
