
Darker in the light of day



2 Years
Dire wolf
09-06-2018, 10:27 AM

Never once had Pegasus anticipated that the woman would refuse to help him. She had agreed to hear his piece but the doubt in her voice had come as a surprise. She had agreed to hear his piece but suddenly he felt unsure of himself and his mission. He hesitated, trying to compose himself from the shock of her potential opposition then cleared his throat.

“My father-“ His voice cracked suddenly and he found himself needing to clear his throat again before he could speak clearly. “My father was taken as a slave by the Abraxas at the fall of Dragoste.” He explained, trying to keep his composure. What if she had actually known what had happened to him and had been just as unwilling to rescue his father then as she was now to avenge him.

“They tortured him, starved him, injured him they-“ He paused and felt a chill run through him as he recalled the full extent of what the wolves had done. “They raped him…” He whispered as he let his head hang, then lifted it again, slowly. “I came to fight for his honor, and crush the plague that wretched family brought upon this land. Will you help me?” He asked again with considerably less confidence. Avenging his father was one thing but to wipe an entire family from the earth was another. He had no idea how many Abraxas had nested on the continent or the sheer magnitude of what he hoped to accomplish. Even as he spoke, as apprehensive as he had become after his initial boldness, it still didn’t fully occur to him how stacked the odds were against him.

"Talk"  "Thought"   "You"