
Starbite Babies!!



7 Years
Extra large
09-13-2018, 10:51 PM
Which design? My own (proper ref incoming)
Name: Anoixi Wreckage (Spring in Greek)
Gender: Male
Skills: Healing + Navigation

Eye Color: Pale Sky Blue
Height: 36"
[Image: RmZk02f.png]
Anoixi carries his mother's height but his father's build. Standing at 36" inches tall his frame is visibly muscled though not heavily so; he manages to avoid looking delicate. He would be a good hunter, equal propensity towards speed and strength though master of neither.

The Wreckage man's pelt runs closer to his father's lineage. Thick long fur covers him, more suited for harsher winters than anything else. His colors also run closer to his father, he is draped in earthy tones. pale browns work as the base of his coloration, a sandy color marking his rump and the top of his tail. A deeper brown runs along his spine towards his shoulders. A similar color marks his face along his muzzle, up around his eyes and down along his jaw line onto his chest and under belly as well as along the backs of all his legs and the bottom of his paws. A muted grey-brown color is the most common color on him, it marks his skull and runs as a bit of a mask under his eyes and along his cheek fur. It also colors his shoulders and all of his legs, fading out just along his toes. A white splotch much like his father's markings breaks up his earthy tones. A white blaze runs up the front of his face and a white marking runs from the base of his skull along the back of his neck, the top of his shoulder blades and down along his upper forelegs, along his sides and near his knee swooping back towards his under belly as well as moving up to mark the back of his rump and along the bottom of his tail.

His eyes are a pale almost sky blue color, bright with curiosity.

Personality: Anoixi is at once both exuberant and patient. As a pup in particular he is driven by an innate curiosity of the world, he seeks to learn and to explore; especially to explore. He has an endless drive for adventure and will try to rope anyone he feels close to into helping on his quest. While he certainly isn't reclusive Anoixi isn't overly friendly either, he is sweet and can make pleasant conversation well enough but he's not exactly planning on making the world his friend.

Still, take the time to invest in getting to know him and he'll be a true friend; loyal to a fault and always thinking up ill advised schemes to get him and his friends into. He cares very deeply about others and even more so for those he trusts.

Anoixi's heroes are his parents; as he grows and learns more of what he wants in life he'll seek to learn healing like his mother and indeed he has the disposition for it; he can remain calm under pressure and can have a calming affect on others. But he also strives to be courageous and valiant like his father, seeing him as a sort of knight in shining armor.

Not that the child won't sometimes ruffle some feathers, in fact he has quite the mischievous streak sometimes pushing boundaries and enjoying mostly harmless pranks.  

Ambitions: Anoixi will want to be an Oak and pursue healing like his mom. I don't really see him leaving Lirim for any reasons beyond potentially love (or if his family left) but he will want to explore a lot.

Plot Ideas: Probably getting into a bit of trouble as a pup, especially with wanting to explore. Maybe help out his mom with some treatments as a young kid to jump start his love of healing. Eventually love and a family but nothing too concrete.

Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3