
Starbite Babies!!



2 Years
Dire wolf
09-06-2018, 01:04 PM
Which design? My Own

Name: Valanga {Val-an-Ga} means avalanche in Italian

Gender: Female

Skills: Hunting and navigation

Eye Color: sky Blue

Height: 40"

Appearance: The exact opposite of feminine Val has inherited many traits from her father, such as her thick coat and her strong build. Her legs and body are proportionate to each other, making her large size seem all the more intimidating when approached. Her legs are strong and well muscled and she has a deep chest that makes her capable of taking hits and propelling herself at tremendous force. The she wolf sports a subtle crest of slightly longer fur along the back of her neck, giving her an almost spartan apperance that only adds to her intimidating form.

Her coat color mostly takes after her father although cream accents from her mother can be spotted on the scruff of her neck and the underside of her tail. Her fur is mostly brown with black markings on her face and underside, but any symetry in her features is interrupted by splashed of white that cover her neck and frame her right cheek. A single white blaze cuts through the middle of the girl's forehead on what would otherwise be a solid black mask. Both her right side paws are dipped in white socks, which may be the only part of her apperance that can be described as "Cute"


Subject to change as her character progresses

Val has never cared for what is considered ladylike, she has no qualms with getting down and dirty and has never backed away from a challenge from anyone regardless of age, gender or rank. The girl loves to hunt but is fully capable of proving herself as a warrior in spars. As a pup she’ll be known to roughhouse with her siblings and with other pack members but will be particularly fond of playing with her father and learning from him as much as she can.


At times the girl can hard-headed, either intentionally or simply because something is in her way. Although she’ll never break from the family centric nature of the Wreckages she will often take them for granted, and will push against Lirium’s dynamic. The girl will want to make a name for herself on her own terms, but will always feel tied down to the pack as her birthplace and the home of her family, often leading her to misbehaving or acting out.


The girl has the heart of an explorer and as she grows older she will seek to see as much of the world as she can. Although she always returns home she will test the limits of how far she can get away and how long it will take before her family and pack begin to worry. Trouble has an easy time finding the girl, and when things get too out of hand for her, she’ll fall back on her family to protect her or come to her rescue.


Never one to back away from a challenge or a threat Val will take it upon herself to guard her siblings from any dangers that may come their way, mostly because she expects them to do the same for her. She may be strong willed and at times disrespectful, but she will love her family and be devoted to them and will try to make them stronger by leading as an example.

Ambitions: The girl will shoot for the stars but fall just short of leadership in her ambitions. Although it's possible she won't remain with Lirium she'll never stray too far from her family for extended periods. She may become a fairweather pack member, but if another pack suits her calling she will join them, but only with the blessing of both of her parents
Plot Ideas: Open to just about anything, I'd like to get a few posts with her and her siblings under my belt as well as threads with her parents, I don't have anything planned for the long run, but I usually never do, I'll have to see how she develops as things go on
