
Can you hear me?


09-06-2018, 09:19 PM

Drip, drip, drip. The sound of falling water from stalagmites infiltrated the sandy colored canines' ears as she trekked along in the dark cavern, although it wasn't totally void of light. A faint blue glow illuminated the pale green eyes of the female, her nose working heavily as she scouted her way through the darkened setting. The healer found herself taken aback by the array of mushrooms that now presented themselves before her, each of them adorned with the previously spotted blue glow. Small feet now pressing into the moss that laid below her she nudged one with her snout, she hadn't ever seen such a thing. "How peculiar. I wonder what causes them to glow.." Baelfire couldn't deny that she was totally captivated by the wonder surrounding her, there wasn't anything like this in her frigid homeland. It was nothing but a land of frost, ice, and desolation. While Western Boreas seemed to be a place that was absolutely over flowing with wolves of odd colors, interesting names, and unique destinations.

Although she wasn't fully accepted into the pack, she had been spending quite some time in the Lirim lands, they had begun to grow on her. Being one for immaculate loyalty she knew it would eventually become her home, but if by chance it didn't, she wouldn't try to find another. Baelfire had been through some trying times in her 3 years of life, they had been far too much for her to want to continue to live that life style.

In the midst of her thinking she heard what was perceived as nails against stone; She was no longer alone. Her ears now fell back against her feminine head as she turned around to face the darkened entrance to the mushrooms' cavern, whomever it was had just started heading this direction. She wasn't sure of the hour, nor of her location, thus her defenses raised. Tail curling along her spine, black soon meshed with sand colored fur as her upper lip flipped against her nose. She didn't agree with attacking another, but she would certainly defend herself. Especially with being in the dark, she didn't have much to defend herself with. Being a healer Baelfire hadn't taken much time to practice with her teeth and claws, she'd rather talk herself out of a situation. 'What if I put myself in danger..' Her anxiety peaked just briefly before she decided to drop her tail against her hocks, if she acted defensive another may think she was looking for a fight. In all reality, that was the last thing Baelfire Kolceg wanted to deal with.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'

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