
Darkness in the Face of Disaster



9 Years
09-06-2018, 11:19 PM

"What- What were you doing?” Ears twitched slightly as the young male spoke. He took another moment or two to finish drinking before raising his head a bit, though he didn't turn to look at him. Water dripped from his muzzle as he responded, "I was just...lying there. Resting I guess," That was the only answer he could really provide in the hopes that the youth would believe it. It was only partially a lie. In truth, the old male had been laying there and somewhat contemplating what it would be like to just...vanish from the world. But he was too much of a coward to do it himself, so for now, he simply existed. He was a shell of his former self. The man who had once enjoyed traveling and tried to enjoy life until he had come back to these cursed lands. Since he had run into his littermate, that was when everything had fallen apart for him. Even now, years later, he still had nightmares about his brother's shadowed form. Constantly berating and teasing and telling him everything was his fault. The ghost of his father with his cold, dead eyes always judging him and telling him he was nothing but an abomination to the Armada name.

Rin took a shuddering breath before raggedly exhaling, trying to rid himself of those nightmarish thoughts for a moment. He couldn't break down in front of someone. Not now. He had been able to hide such things the whole time he was here, save for his ragged and emaciated frame. The physical part of him was something he always failed to hide, but the mental and emotional parts he had done a decent job so far. Usually when confronted about his condition, he simply said it was old age and genetics. But of course, it was all a lie. His sire was as strong as ever at this age, not a fragile looking skeleton. He took a couple more laps of water before turning to gaze at the youth, wondering. "Are or...?" His senses were so dulled, and he was so secluded in his own little part of the territory, he didn't know who was in the pack anymore.



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