
Can you hear me?



2 Years
Dire wolf
09-07-2018, 09:33 AM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2018, 09:33 AM by Pegasus.)

Navigation: Glowshroom Cavern |Round|1|2|3|4|

In his homeland he had been an expert navigator; studying the stars and landmarks of his mother’s kingdom near daily. He had traveled with his grandfather to the other nations of Theodebes and even in his youth had made an effort to learn the ways of the other lands. Here in Boreas with no delegates to guide him or tour him through the lands he had been left utterly helpless. He supposed that if he encountered trouble he was large enough to fight off whatever came his way, but the fact that he might need to face it alone made him apprehensive.

Despite this, he had left the pack lands he had been occupying that morning, determined to learn more about the savage land his father had come from. There had been the Cave of Miracles in Aytepios; a cave lined with flaky snow white walls interlaced with a sparkling stone that could be carved and marked easily and apparently had been by creatures far older than his own kind. This cave, on the other hand, seemed to have its own magic, as he stepped deeper into the mouth of the cave and found the inky darkness broken by faintly glowing mushrooms. Curiously he reached out a paw to touch one, then drew back as a small cloud of spores puffed from the glowing cap. He grinned at the wonderous sight as the spores shimmered in the air before settling on the mossy floor. There was no doubt that if he should return in a few months he would find a fresh patch of mushrooms where the glittering spores had fallen.

He moved on through the cave, watching the fungi lined walls, far too caught up in the wonder of the sight to sense the girl he was rapidly approaching. If she hadn’t contrasted darkness of the cave, he may have missed her entirely, but her white fur was thankfully illuminated by the glowing mushrooms. He cocked his head at the sight of her. He had never seen another wolf crouched in terror; his father had told him once that it was a primitive stance, one that had become archaic in Theodebes where wolves simply addressed each other verbally. “Uh…Hello.” He greeted softly, his head remaining raised and his posture straight as he addressed the girl. “No need to be afraid, I mean you no harm.” He said calmly, hoping the girl would relax and speak to him.

speaking Thinking  you