
[Legion] Song of the caged bird



4 Years
Extra small
09-08-2018, 08:50 AM

His scoff at being called master was something she hadn't anticipated. Nor was his question, nonetheless she gave a quick nod to answer it. She was stiff in the neck with it though, trying to keep the submission on her body. Which wasnt hard for her honestly. Submitting was like breathing for her. It was natural.

His complaints had her sinking lower. Used to complaints turning to teeth, she expected the worst. Though his second statement and the nudge of her stub had her falling into her side. She was quick to turn her head from him and give him her full submission. His threat to take her other paws was not shocking to her. Cruelty was the way of the world but he had her shaking at least. She kept silent though. No one would save her from his cruelty if that's what he wanted to do. The shepherd had disappeared and the Apollyon was not one she wished to find them. His anger she wasnt sure she could handle. Besides he was a prince even if he had no real rank yet, so it would not be uncommon for her to know he would use that and say she had provoked him.

His next question landed her in a predicament. Answer and risk his ire or dont and just head for the den? But slaves were to answer what they were asked. "I wanted to get lady Zuriel a gift of herbs. She may need them when winter comes." she barely whispered it to him. She could get up and try to run from him, but she wouldn't get away she knew. She had felt his muscles and body against hers already. She offered her forepaws the only protection she could and tucked them against her exposed chest though she wouldn't fight him if he wanted them.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.