
New Blood



6 Years
Extra large

09-08-2018, 09:17 AM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2018, 09:23 AM by Elias.)

The child seemed interested in Elias, and Elias was likewise inquisitive about him. When those blue eyes curiously stared into his own, Elias stared back.. watching him as Tyranis explained what was going on and how he had found this Imp. Elias had this intimate little stare-down with Astraios for some time, even after Tyranis had gone quiet, as he decided on what action to take. His ears were sensitive to the sound of Tyranis' tail brushing along the dirt and stone of the den floor, though he remained looking to Astraios.

At first, Elias thought perhaps the boy was only interested in the smell of the hare, though he wasn't looking at the hare for long. It wasn't until he looked into the Elias' own eyes that the boy smiled, and that was all it took for Elias to feel the same as Tyranis. This child had to be taken in, had to be molded... he was strong.

Elias finally lowered the hare, feeling confident that the boy wasn't going to try and snatch it.. he seemed smart. He placed one heavy paw down upon it and finally switched his focus to Tyranis again.

"Imps are not like Purgatorians. Ruina's demons, especially the old ones, go into a sort of.. frenzy.. over Imps. I can feel them even now.. and they are hungry over this child. We will need to oath him, quickly.. or they will start to cause.. problems. He needs to be oathed by blood, we can do it at dawn if this is what you wish to do." Elias' eyes shifted suddenly, flashing to the boy again. He moved his head closer, thick neck lowering slightly, hiding the scars of his chest from view though that thick skull came right before Astraios.

"You want to kill? We will teach you but in the ways of Ruina. Killing is a crafted art here, it is not a decision to be made lightly. Within you, within Tyranis, within myself, and within all of us.. are souls.. and these souls are everything in this life and the next." Elias always spoke to kids almost the same as he spoke to adults, no change of tone or seriousness in his words. He did it with his own and believed it helped them mature faster, which was crucial for their development here in Ruina. Astraios would be treated the same.

"You will never be allowed to leave after we strengthen you, Imp. You will, however, be strengthened. You will learn how to kill." His paw lifted from the hare, deciding then that the boy needed to eat. Elias was accustomed to providing for the pack, but the look on his face as he stared to Tyranis spoke volumes. Tyranis would need to help provide for this one, too. Elias was already drowning in responsibility.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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