
★ Shake, Rattle and Roll [Navigation Event]



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
09-08-2018, 03:16 PM
The two dug side by side, Caelestis refusing to give up on the idea that they would get out together. Archon wasn't so sure, but he nodded at her words anyway. He felt his paws go numb as they scraped at the ground around the fallen rock. Dirt fell from above and Archon did his best to control his breathing between coughs.

Eventually, the gap was just big enough for the young girl to squeeze through. Archon held his breath as Caelestis struggled through the hole. Once she was through, she turned around and began digging, ushering Archon in next. He was apt to decline, but she seemed set on it. Of course she was, Archon mused. Saving someone she supposedly hated. Made perfect sense.

"If the earth starts shaking again, I want you to run," Archon shouted into the gap as he readied himself. "If that happens, go take over Abaven for me."

Archon attempted humor, but he wasn't really laughing. He didn't expect Caelestis to listen to him, but he thought she'd make a more interesting leader for Abaven.

"You can even claim you took me out," he mumbled mostly to himself.

Archon shouldered his way under the boulder. He could barely see Caelestis on the other side and he did his best to hide the panic in his eyes when his body started catching on the narrow walls. The tremors caused his heart rate to spike painfully. He got his head to peek though the other side. The gap wasn't big enough for him to be able to breathe and for a moment, he wasn't making any progress to move further.

Archon's nails scraped against the hardened ground until they bled. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. His back legs kicked helplessly on the other side. The ground began to shift again and Archon made his best attempt to lock eyes with Caelestis.

"GO!" he barked with as much force as his half-filled lungs could muster.

Dirt dropped from the ceiling and Archon's kicking became frantic. He exhaled until his lungs burned. He couldn't see if Caelestis had left, but he knew she wouldn't be able to see him any better.

Archon relaxed for a moment, his eyes pinning shut.

"God. Please..."

His hearing tunneled as if in a dream, though he might have just been nearing his body's limit. The rumbling grew more ferocious. Archon felt the boulder above him shifting and kicked out one last time into the darkness.

When Archon came to, the tunnel had stopped moving. How long was he out? Seconds? Hours?

"Caelestis!" he rasped.

He could breathe. Archon moved to stand, but was pulled painfully back. Looking back, Archon could see that the boulder had pinned the lower fourth of his tail. It was probably mostly fur, right? Archon tried to pull against it, but a white hot pain shot up his back. The tunnel was lighter. He had to be close to the surface.

He was so close.