
On The Run



5 Years
09-08-2018, 07:15 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The girl spoke of her desires and Antigone listened, nodding along. “Some may say that’s a noble path to follow, others may say that it’s foolish. I’ve seen kindness be rewarded and taken advantage of, but I guess it just depends on what you do with it.” She assessed the girl for a moment, wondering what she might face in her future. “With all this travelling, do you do it alone? Or do you have someone who goes along with you?” Even in the darkness, the youth about her was plain to see, and while Antigone was no soft hearted creature, she had known of horrible things happening to young, lone travellers. Her own brothers had committed an atrocity or two themselves. Not that she had ever said a word to try and stop such things. She had herself to worry about. But this girl had a certain amount of ambition, a spark that the woman had to admire and she’d hate to stumble upon her one to to see that the spark had been doused.

As the conversation moved onto the topic of herbs, the girl seemed to have plentiful knowledge on that subject as well. “Nothing too specific yet, but you never know when you might find yourself in need of something.” She paused for a moment, her gaze moving past the girl and to the fireflies dancing over the lake, the reflection of the light bouncing off the surface of the water. “Sounds like I should head to Auster.” She looked back to the girl, wondering if there was anything left to be gained from their encounter. Did she have more information buried in the wealth of knowledge she seemed to possess that could further help the woman settle into this new place, or had she already exhausted this resource?

Table Code by Madi and Alice ;; Picture by Wolven-Wonderland