
Let's Kill Batman [MEETING]



7 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
09-09-2018, 12:38 PM
As first Malleus, then Ashiel, then Malleus again spoke, Apollo's hackles rose. Not in anger at what they said, but in a natural reaction to the awe and fear that the metaphysical inspired. He respected the Fallen God, but while he firmly believed that he too was a god in a mortal shell, actually being confronted with spiritual matters spooked him a bit. He couldn't imagine how Ashiel must have felt, to be touched by that sort of power. The message resonated within him, though, touched on subjects he himself had recently been spending a great deal of thought on. Could the Fallen God have been trying to speak to him as well, but he was just too damnably tone-deaf to understand it to the depth and brilliance of Ashiel's vision? It amazed him, shook him as nothing mortal or earthly could do.

He tuned back into Malleus's words as he got down into the details of what that would mean for them on a day-to-day basis. Now this was the sort of thing the military-minded male was good at. Details. His golden gaze flicked from face to face as Malleus spoke of them, observing and putting names to the fresh young faces. He lingered thoughtfully for a long moment on Razi's two young pups. Proserpina needed mentoring, certainly, but she was old enough now to be on her own most of the time and more than capable of seeking out additional help as she needed it. These two pups were alone, and lonely, and likely scared from their ordeal. They would need careful, constant handling until... if... Razi returned. Privately he felt it unlikely she would. After all, if she was capable of returning to her pups, would she not already have done so?

"I will take in Razi's pups, if you approve, Malleus," he rumbled. "I have no major familial obligations as many of our number already do." He nodded to the other two litters of pups already being cared for. "So it is no hardship for me to care for them and see to their early training... until Razi returns, of course," he added, for the pups' benefit. They would learn the harsh reality of their situation soon enough without him rushing it. "As for the move, perhaps it could be more easily accomplished if we carry the pups, either in baskets on harnesses or on sleds pulled behind. It is a great distance to travel for pups of any age, and it would allow us to make the move more quickly and smoothly." He inclined his head towards Malleus. "That is, of course, entirely your decision to make. I have no objection to waiting until they are older if that is your wish."