
Let's Kill Batman [MEETING]



3 Years
Dire wolf
09-09-2018, 12:43 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2018, 01:28 PM by Aaliyah.)
Aaliyah grew sober as she listened to her brother and cousin, a warning was definitely given, and her faith grew more rooted by Ashiel's testimony. She tiled her head as Malleus explained what he thought, and she could not help but add her own thoughts as well. "What if we are also the sheep and the Fallen God is the monster? He may be warning us about our faith, we stray sometimes and so he consumes us, then what happens when he can find no one who calls him their God? He will eat himself before he dies out. We should return to the old ways of our faith, I agree. For the betterment of our family and our God." She grew shy, but held herself and kept her voice even. It had never been like her to speak in front of so many, but the four-headed beast had struck a chord with her personally.

When her other cousins were introduced, Aaliyah smiled and grew a bit lighter in her heart. Listening to Apollo as he spoke, Aaliyah smiled and inclined her head, "I can help with the pups, I need to step up more in the pack anyway, and I think they would be excellent motivators. I can also help with Prosperina, teach her what I know, even though we aren't far apart from each other in age." A small laugh left her at the end and she grew silent, though she seemed a bit less weighed down. A thoughtfulness came to her eyes, and she listened again as Apollo spoke, "Sleds would be easier to pull with us, they would also help when the healers collect herbs later on. I can also help make them, we would need harnesses as well to aid in pulling the sleds. If you would like some help, of course." She gave her uncle a smile and looked to Malleus, "Given your approval, of course, brother." Her dark tail waved and she went silent once more.

Finally, she had a direction to go in! It was something she had been searching for, and while she had been lost, she supposed their God decided to give her what she had been asking for. A mental thank you was sent to him, and she grinned outwardly. Hope bloomed for her, even though it was fertilized with tragedy.
Beware: She has a god-complex and really only likes family, mystical beings and gods like herself. You've been warned!

The character you are currently reading is Aaliyah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
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