
Let's Kill Batman [MEETING]



Expert Fighter (175)

Novice Intellectual (15)

10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KValentines 2020
Treat 2019
09-09-2018, 04:50 PM


She waited patiently as the rest of the pack arrived, her own pale blue gaze glancing around at all the faces. She hadn't realized how many of them were in the pack, then again she had mostly remained around the perimeter of her little safe haven by the creek. She knew a very small pawful of faces, but beyond that? Everyone else was a stranger to her. When it seemed like the last few had settled in, Malleus began to speak so she turned to focus her attention on him. She sat quietly as her attention soon turned to Ashiel, someone she didn't know, but he obviously held some importance in the pack...or something like that. She wasn't too sure to be honest. As he described his vision, her eyes grew a little wide. What was he talking about? Monsters with four heads? What was fire? She was so confused, and as she quickly glanced around her she noticed that there were mixed reactions among the crowd. Returning her gaze to the duo at the head of the pack, she knew she had no idea what he was talking about, but perhaps she would find out at one point or another.

When Ashiel finished, Malleus began to speak again and she listened to every word. It seemed they had ideas about what that dream meant, and though she still didn't quite understand it, she did understand what the pack and the family needed to do as a whole. He talked about Razi's kids, another wolf she didn't know, and she peered around curiously until she spotted them. Her ears pulled back a bit. Their mother wasn't there...she knew all too well how that felt. What about their father? She herself didn't know who her father was, and her mother never told her much of anything before she vanished...but nobody else said anything to her about him either, and she never asked. That thought was always at the back of her mind up until she looked at those two pups, and her heart went out to them. She shyly licked her lips in preparation to speak up about them but thought that perhaps it was something she wanted to talk about in private. She had never been around so many before, so the girl found it suddenly hard to speak up.

Malleus continued talking about his interpretation of Ashiel's message and what the pack needed to do. She flicked her ears to acknowledge that she was listening, even if just a little. Her attention was still on the two pups, her pale stare studying them as she wondered how they must be feeling. Were they feeling what she had felt before? She still felt some of it now, but not as much as she initially had. "I am not infallible and so in the spirit of getting back on track, there is one here who I must apologize to." Her attention returned to Malleus just as he turned his attention to her. The young girl watched him, a slight bit of confusion in her eyes.  "Cousin, I have failed you. Much too late I realized you were alone and by then many months of your childhood had been spent in isolation. Forgive me and let me make it up to you. I can't give you that time back, but I can offer you a place at my side as my apprentice."

Her eyes widened with surprise. That was certainly something she hadn't expected to happen. Out of anyone in the pack, Malleus was perhaps the only one she spent the most time with. Even more time than she had with her own mother...

It only took her a few short moments to sit up straighter and nodded, acknowledging that she would be glad to be his apprentice. The excitement began to course through her as she thought about what being his apprentice would mean. "Thank you, Malleus!" She wanted to go up to him and hug him or something, but she felt perhaps it wasn't an appropriate time to do so. So she'd wait for her chance to do it later. Malleus then extended the opportunity for others to help train her, but she was too excited and proud to start looking around again. It seemed he was just about done speaking, but just when she thought he was done, he said they would be moving to a castle and the garden. She didn't quite know where those were, but she was sure she'd like it better than here. She didn't hate the creek or anything, but she was haunted by the fact that she had spent so much time alone and wondering why she had been left behind. Maybe when they moved, those barely remembered memories of her mother and siblings would just...disappear.

Now that Malleus had finished speaking, she listened quietly as another man spoke. When he was done, a vaguely familiar voice piped up with a bunch of ideas about things she didn't know or understand, and then mentioned wanting to help with her. She turned until she saw her slightly older cousin, casting a grin her way. She was excited to start training soon! The girl almost unable to contain her pride and excitement remained quiet, however. She didn't think she had any ideas that could help at the moment, much less when she didn't know what a sled and stuff was, but then she decided that she could help pull them? That was something she could do right? "I can help pull these...sleds...or I can help carry supplies or pups or whatever is needed of me." She nodded firmly to herself, glad she had offered her help whether it would be needed or not.



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