
Let's Kill Batman [MEETING]



5 Years
09-09-2018, 07:28 PM

Serene Validis

After arriving with the pups in tow, the rest of the pack seemed to emerge from every direction, swarming into the meeting with such timely manners that even Serene was impressed. One after another, after another, wolves trickled into the meeting and the fawn woman became increasingly aware that she needed to become more socialized. More than half of the faces she had never met in person, and the other half she could only assume their names based off of descriptions Malleus had given her during pack updates and happenings. Amber orbs followed her mate's when he spoke of the two pups joining the meeting, and immediately Serene recalled the news of the pair. Children of the lovely Razi, who Serene was lucky enough to have met once before, were among the new faces joining the empire. As a mother herself, the golden woman wanted nothing more than to usher them close to her side, and assure them they were protected and loved. But alas, Serene already cared for five young pups. Not even her willing heart could handle the strain of two more.

Several more wolves wandered into the meeting, but no more seemed to be following after them. It was then that Malleus began to speak, and a hurricane of emotions began to spin out of control. Upon hearing that a member of them had actually received a vision from a God, had spiked Serene's interest immensely; after all, her original reasoning for seeking out Malleus and his empire was to further her understand of spirits and Gods alike. But this vision, this vision of burning forests and insatiable monsters, and this direct conversation 'Do my ways leave a bitter taste on the tongue? Would you spit your medicine upon the ground and succumb to nothing?'... it had the old Serene resurfacing and searching through all her knowledge of spirits and gods to make heads or tails of it. Most blindly obvious, was the direct message that The Fallen God was not at all pleased with his followers. That 'His ways' were not being followed and thus the warning - 'succumb to nothing'. He was threatening all of them.

That alone was enough to cause distress in the woman, her maternal instincts telling her to do everything in her power to protect her young. But what was the best way to do this? Malleus would then continue to speak about the changes to be happening within the pack in the following weeks, and once more she felt fear strike her heart. If the way things had been run before were to be a more tolerable version of the true beliefs of the pack, Serene would need to step up her game, and that of her children as well. They were Abraxas, but now that seemed to not be enough to keep them safe. They needed to be true Abraxas, whatever that may entail. As for Serene, well, she would need to find a more permanent position in the ranks in order to secure her own place in the empire. Though Malleus may care for her, she would not believe he would spare her if he felt she was not contributing to the pack. What position would fit her talents, well that was something she would have to find out later.

After addressing a few other members, Malleus would then turn to introduce the newest additions to the pack. Pride filled her very being upon seeing the world turn to gaze upon her young. Each one of them had passed their first culling, each one more held their own talents and their own characteristics, but each one of the in his moment understood their importance. Or so she hoped anyway. After they had been introduced, Serene offered each one of them an approving nod, letting them all know she was very pleased with their performance here today. Mom… mom I need to go to the bathroom. Hearing her son Aureus made the mother turn her head and look down at her son with a contorted expression. "I'm sure the meeting is almost over can you at least try and wait it out my love?" She whispered softly to him, but after hearing her own words, Serene sighed and peered over her shoulders to see if she could find a spot for the young lad. Eyeing a particularly lush bush some yards away, Serene would nod her head in the direction while adding; "There's a nice looking bush over there, be hasty Aureus, stay within sight."

Next, Malleus would move to open up the conversation for anyone seeking a new position in ranking. Excitement filled her veins as she glanced around the meeting, wondering who would step forward to declare themselves. But then their alpha would come to speak again, this time announcing that the empire was going to be... uprooted? Whiskey colored orbs nearly popped out of their sockets upon hearing this bit of detail. Though she understood the tactical advantages of moving from the vines to the castle, the cathedral had come to be her home. It's where she fell in love. Where she gave birth to her children. Where she has been raising them. Not to mention her poor garden. She would have to uproot her entire life to the new castle, but Malleus clearly had been thinking about this for some time. She would not voice a complaint, nor a concern, knowing the journey would be a long and dangerous one especially for their tiny family. Serene would have to begin strengthening them now if they were ever going to survive the trip.

Finally, it seemed all news was delivered, and the floor was now open for any and all to speak up. She shifted her wait onto her haunches, sitting more comfortably as she continued to remain quiet and think about what she would like to contribute to this meeting. One of the first males to arrive spoke first, offering to take on the responsibility of caring for Razi's young until their mother can be found. It was a bit odd for her to see a male step up to the challenge of raising young, but since Serene was in no position to offer herself, she simply nodded her head in thanks. He would then suggest the pack to carry the pups. Now that was certainly an ambitious idea, considering how many young where now in the pack. But if the wolves somehow were able to come together and assemble these makeshift 'sleds', well then that just might work.

Next to speak was a young woman who looked a lot like Malleus in appearance, perhaps a sibling she had not met yet. She offered her insight on deciphering the meaning behind some of Ashiel's vision, and Serene nodded her crown in approval, "I believe you might be right." Her voice was soft, not quite sure if that was the whole meaning behind the vision or not. She would then continue to offer her aid in caring for the pups, building the sleds, and confirm Serene's suspicions that indeed, she was sister to her beloved Malleus. The golden woman made a mental note to introduce herself after the meeting. Next to speak up was Proserpine. This poor girl who had been through so much, Serene was more than happy that Malleus was going to take her under his wing and guide her back into the warm embrace the family had to offer. It pleased her even more to know that Proserpine would be more likely than not hanging around the tiny family, and hopefully Serene could become closer friends with the young woman.

Finally, Serene had found the backbone she had lost long ago, and decided to chip in her two cents about the lot of it. "Though I did not grow up familiar with The Fallen God, I did however learn to communicate with entities not unlike Him. From that I can testify that more often than not, visions often carry not one but multiple meanings to them. So while it is obvious The Fallen God is not pleased with the direction this pack has been going in, the danger we face as a consequence may not originate from Him directly. He might be warning us of a foe we do not yet see." Though more thought would be needed to decipher the vision in it's entirety, Serene was confident that there was more to this prophecy than what meets the eye.

Finally, she turned to her Alpha and mate; "I should very much like to look into this further. Perhaps after speaking with Ashiel in private I may be given permission to leave the borders to seek out a nearby shrine? This way I may connect myself more fully to the Fallen God and get a better understanding on what we're dealing with here." Her amber gaze then turn to glance at her young, and a pang of guilt settled in her heart at the thought of leaving them. She would then turn back and add, "I won't be gone long." She didn't currently hold a position that would let her come and go as she pleased, but seeing as she was born with a gift to speak with Spirits, she might as well give it a shot with The Fallen God. For the sake of her family, Serene would do just about anything to get the answers they required.

