


09-10-2018, 03:30 AM
The woman had gone a bit further west of the lake she had stopped at to see what else was around this area. She was mildly surprised when she came upon the scents of other wolves, a pack if she had to guess. Her fur had been groomed after her swim, and she smelled strongly of mint and rosemary after rolling around in it to get rid of the wet dog smell. Thanks to the herbs, her pack scent had also been masked enough to the point where she no longer smelled of the Abraxas empire, which she supposed was a good thing considering their reputation. She also wasn't as large as the majority of them, so traveling would be easier this time around. She had decided too that taking a few of the herbs she had rolled in might be a good idea, perhaps she could begin some trading for other resources or herbs that she hadn't come across. With that thought in mind, she carefully secured the rabbit pelt that held a variety of herbs, all carefully bundled up together. seemed Boreas was rich in herbs that she knew would be good to bring back home as well, so she made a note to stop by the places she had collected from before returning home.

Turquoise gaze drifted over the invisible barrier that separated pack lands from rogue lands, and she was curious as to which pack this was. Muddied paws carried her a bit closer as she walked several yards from the border, but just close enough to where she could smell if anyone was approaching. So far, the scents she gathered weren't incredibly numerous...a small pack perhaps? Smaller than the Empire, at least. Interesting. She briefly wondered if they would be interested in trading herbs or...other resources. She still had a mind to collect more herbs, but that would wait. Right now she was interested to learn about the pack that sat here. How often did they do patrols? How many healers did they have? While she knew her stuff already, she was interested to know if the mortal healers did things differently then she did. It was a curious thought indeed.