



4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
09-10-2018, 12:17 PM
Seth was limping heavily when he found the border of a pack territory and was forced to pause. He'd doctored himself up as best as he could before wandering away from the river to go find haven in Malleus' pack, the core of the Abraxas. But the concussion had been worse than he'd thought, and by the time the confusion and bad decision-making had cleared up, he'd been traveling north for days in Boreas. He certainly couldn't recall when he'd thought it was a good idea to go north on the land bridge rather than turn south inland, since he had very little memory of those days. Probably for the best, since the walking had certainly exacerbated the pain of his sprains and broken ribs. At least the bruises were working their way out. Once he'd realized he decided to keep going, curious and having the faint thought that he'd been prompted here. He'd never believed as strongly in the whole religiousy spiritual thing that some of his kin did, but he wasn't going to discount the idea either.

Now he'd found himself here, and a thought occurred that caused a faint smile to curve his muzzle. Well! That was an idea, wasn't it? He probably should have talked it over with Malleus first, or Razi since he was in her pack - him all unknowing that the pack had been disbanded, all the members scattered or joining with Malleus - but he wasn't going to walk all that way back across the continent to get permission.

He was going to join a pack.

A mortal pack, to be precise, and wasn't that exciting? It gave him the opportunity to learn more in the way of healing than he'd previously learned under the more warlike Abraxas, and more than that, it would give him the opportunity to learn about the wolves and the packs that made their homes here.

His spectacularly colored bruises were hidden beneath his earthy fur, though the sharp antiseptic smell of the herbal rinses he'd been treating them with were clear, as were the poultices that were bandaged around his sprains and the broken ribs, and the various lacerations he'd sustained. He was a walking pharmacopeia at this point, and though his nose had gotten used to the rather pungent herbal smell in the past couple weeks it would undoubtedly be a rather overwhelming scent. Better than reeking of infection from untreated wounds, though. Keeping himself warily on his aching paws in case he needed to make a break for it, he called out for the pack's alpha.