
Under the Cypress Trees



7 Years
08-24-2013, 09:07 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia could hear the telltale click of the beast's jaws as he closed them, those frightfully sharp teeth meeting audibly against one another. It did little to make her feel any better, having been seconds away from fearing the feel of those same long fangs ready to sink into her neck. His roar had been ferocious to say the least, a clear show of his power and the short fuse that attached to his temper, and the russet and black she-wolf had no further intentions of tempting those fires to life again. One clear warning was more than enough.

She continued to watch the jaguar closely as he stepped around her again, stopping once he stood just to the side of where she did, and from her hunched over position she listened as he taunted her more with his incomprehensible gibberish. Her jaw clenched at the sound of those foreign words as they rolled with a sound that was reminiscent of a growl, the muscles within her legs tensing as she half expected him to lash out at her by the unpleasant look about his face. She knew she had worn her welcome thin, and there was really only a matter of time before something must have been done about it. It was anyone's guess what that might have been, but her own could only land upon options most unwanted for her and fatally threatening to her life.

But rather than attempt to cage her there longer, he instead told her to leave, to run while she could though the smile about his lips spoke differently. It was not a smile she could trust. As much as she wanted to heed his advice, to race away to Seracia and remain within the pack's territories for a whole month without setting a single hair outside of their borders, the look about his face reminded her too much of the way he had lurched toward her just a little while before, the feral, instinctive nature to chase a fleeing animal that had nearly consumed him. "I do not trust that you will let me leave unharmed," she answered in a low voice, trying not to let her tone fluctuate with impatience and worry or her body to fidget or shift from its submissive position. "How do I know you will not follow instinct and give in to the chase?"