
To Die For



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-10-2018, 07:49 PM

She had been focused on her task and the approach of the other had gone unnoticed. In fact she didn't notice his approach until the large carcass moved when he landed on top of it. Her head whipped to the left then upward eyes narrowing as she watched the dark figure rip mercilessly into the carcass. He had no idea she was there in that moment and hi soul focus was on the kill and filling himself with food. The only other time she had seen another rip into something was when her siblings had been anxiously waiting for food to be brought to them. Starving and trigger happy group they were and when food came it was all for yourself and who cares about the rest. He had to be starving, had to have been hungry and had a lack of decent food for a while. The sounds he was making made it all the more seem like he was simply just an animal. For most her age they should be completely scared, wanting to run and hide, but to her it drew her curiosity to him. Questions began to rise within her mind as her fiery eyes stared at what she could see of him.

Then suddenly it all stopped and he stilled as he began to realize that there was another there. She looked away just about the time he looked to her and began to pull herself up into a sitting position as he launched himself over the kill and landed with a hushed thud. She whirled herself up to her feet and around to come face to face with the large wolf. She was immediately drawn to that inky gaze, the all black eyes that looked to her. She felt unable to breath a moment as she stared into those orbs. You would have expected eyes like that to be lifeless, but his was full of life, full of energy. Something she was unable to explain why so. Fiery eyes stared into his and she almost could let herself grow lost in them, they were truly the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Though she was finally able to pull her gaze downward to the widespread grin on his face. Still mostly white teeth were a dead give away that he was young, white like her own tiny teeth right now. Though another amazing discover was the all black gums around those teeth making her even more curious of the sight before her.

It made her wonder if he was a figure of her imagination, if he was simply a warped shadow and she was seeing things. Nose twitched, close enough to take in his musky scent. She couldn't be seeing things when she clearly could smell the musk of a male wolf before her. They were literally only a foot or two apart from one another. She also noticed that he did not smell like the pack wolves, he lacked that communal scent that they all shared. She didn't smell the hint of soot from the volcano making her realize that this was not a pack wolf. She tried to compose herself, pull herself back to the reality that she was here in front of a strange wolf that was large enough to easily kill her. He was evading her personal space, yet he did not show one ounce of aggression. She didn't know how to react really, stumped at what to do.

"You..... are trespassing," she stated her tone neutral.

She stated the obvious because she couldn't come up with anything else to say. She couldn't even think of saying 'who are you'.

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think"

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them