
Lips Of An Angel


07-08-2013, 08:22 PM

Thundering hooves. Pounding paws. Adrenaline pumping, fear spilling. It was a hunt. Predator and prey. The most primal of all the basic dances in the animal kingdom. Starring Demyan and the current choice of prey; moose. The giant beast thundered away from the snarling predator, lashing out with its hind hooves, trying to nick the gargantuan man to get him away from it. But the animal's flailing hooves continually missed their mark, on gaining slashes as Demyan swiped out with his paws, talons raking across the thin skin to draw blood and pained screams from the terrified animal. Another kick was sent in his direction as retaliation, but once again it missed his mark. Demyan was close enough to strike, but smart enough to keep his head away from the sharp hooves. They could do some serious damage on him if he got cocky.

He'd been chasing the beast for only a few minutes, having driven the animal from the neighboring lands into his one filled with willows. Aged roots rose up from the ground all over the place, acting possible obstacles to help bring down his prey, but the damn thing saw them and began evading them, weaving through the roots instead of trying to jump over, risking a possible catching of its hoof ultimately leading to its take down. A hungry snarl twisted the brute's jaws, his hunger twisting violently as his gut, turning his calculated attack into something more desperate. He wanted his food now. Muscles tensed a moment before the hellion threw himself forward, looking to attach himself to a haunch, possibly snap a limb in order to injure the moose and kill it once and for all. But the moose had anticipated his move. It kicked out and this time its hoof hit its mark. The tip of the hoof slashed deeply across his chest, starting from the corner of his right shoulder, extending towards the middle of his chest, crimson liquid oozing from the wound. The sudden attack hit the gargantuan like a ton of bricks, knocking the breath from him while offsetting his balance, massive frame coming to crash against the twisting roots of the willows. Fuck.

Colossal frame hit hard against the ground, some of the broken roots managing to gauge the giant, causing more damage to his body as it slid across the earth, the impact spreading through his massive body. The moose took the opportunity to make a break for it, ignoring its bleeding leg as it took off, satisfied that its hit had contact and disabled its attacker. Demyan snarled as his body came to a grinding halt, pain radiating all across him, making him clench his jaws in anger. Fucking moose... He snarled to himself underneath his breath, slowly pushing himself to his stomach, acutely aware of the blood oozing from his chest. Another snarl, this one louder and more menacing broke away from his jaws, audits pining themselves against his skull as he turned to his left side, reaching out with his jaws as he began to pull the pieces of roots that had gotten embedded in his pelt and skin. This shit hurt like a mother fucker.

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