
Can you hear me?


09-11-2018, 09:50 AM

As this large male dropped into a regal bow before her, Baelfire too returned the bow with a small smile upon her features. She had never heard of the kingdom Aytepios, but it seemed to have produced a very respectable individual. Baelfire was far from her royal home, but alas, she had made quite the quaint living around Boreas. Travelling to place to place, healing injuries, and doing a vast amount of good seemed to heal her broken heart more than sitting on a throne could even comprehend. Although she missed her cushioned life at times, she also liked the freedom leaving her homeland had given her. "It is an honor to be in your presence, Prince Pegasus. I too once hailed from a grand kingdom, although I have relinquished my royal duties for the quiet life of a Healer."

Part of her was concerned that he would think differently of her for renouncing her crown, although she had left it with her cousin, whom would certainly do a better job. Baelfire just didn't feel like controlling a large kingdom, the throne burned her very soul. When Pegasus asked her what her purpose was in the cavern, her ears perked slightly, she was here to gather any herbs she could find. Although the idea of exploring the place really caught her attention, she had considered it, but wasn't skilled at navigation. "I came here to gather herbs for my stash, although I would love to explore this place with you. I'm not the best at finding my way around places, heh." Her moss colored eyes fell back onto the towering male, her tail wagging slowly at her hind legs, this would be quite the adventure.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'