
Great big changes!


09-11-2018, 09:57 AM

Nostrils flaring as her tongue rolled from the confines of her jaws, sandy colored pelt proceeded the canine, moss colored eyes watching around every corner. She was intrigued by the massive rock formations that surrounded her as she carried along, there wasn't a soul here to be found, and for a moment she was appreciative of that fact. Baelfire had come to the area searching for a certain herb; Sage. Her paw pads grew in pain as she continued along the sandy gorge, the ground hot beneath her feet. It wasn't going to be long until she reached her destination; The Redwater Rocks.

Stepping into a light trot, Baelfire bounded forwards her nails digging into the dirt with each and every step, blunt claws barely making an impact on the soil beneath her. She froze momentarily, her nostrils flaring repeatedly as she inhaled anthers scent, although she couldn't determine where it was coming from. Bael knew she would echo within the confines of the rock walls, thus, she simply spoke aloud projecting her voice forwards. "Show yourself, please! I mean you no harm." Her eyes watched the canyon before her anticipating someone to step out as they had been addressed, hopefully they didn't try to start a fight with her, she would only use violence if she had to.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'