
Can you hear me?


09-12-2018, 02:47 PM

Now stepping into a slow walk Baelfire trailed behind Pegasus, her tail laying sweetly against her hips in feminine fashion, it was nice to be around someone of the same rearing. Her vibrant green eyes now returned to the male as he spoke "I must admit, I'm relieved to have met another wolf of noble birth." This response caused Baelfire to nod slowly in agreement, she was very happy herself to be around someone of royal lineage as well. "I very much agree with you, the wolves of Boreas can be... Obvious commoners if you would." It wasn't that she felt above others, it was just the clear fact that they weren't raised as the pair had been.

When he asked her how long she had been in the lands Baelfire had to stop and think for a moment, how long had she been here? Her ears fell back against her head momentarily before they returned to their normal standing position, it had been at least a few months. "I''d say its been almost half a year." Her body seemed to be on high alert, it wasn't any fault of Pegasus's, but the cave as a whole made her nervous. What if the earth shook again? Her ears threatened to go back against her head but she refused to let such an action happen, she wasn't submissive or scared of anything. Not her, she knew too much of the world.

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'