
live & love & don't let go


07-08-2013, 08:43 PM

He had tried his best over the years, to be the son that he would dream of having ? to be the kind of son a father could be proud of ? biological or not. He had tried to be the brother one would call honorable, to be the brother that his siblings needed and wanted. It seemed he had been that brother for Kamala ? at least he hoped she felt that way ? but he had failed Valkis. He hoped he hadn?t failed Gerhardt. The Prince knew he was being hard on himself, he was taking a page out of his father?s own book in doing so. Gerhardt was consistently and irreversibly hard on himself ? Maverick didn?t want to be that way. He shook his head lightly, returning her gentle pressure. His tail sought to intertwine with hers, much like it had when they?d been only friends ? flirting with the idea of love.

?I don?t think it would either, but I do believe its taken its toll on him. One wolf can?t do everything ? and that?s what he?s trying to do. You know how he is..? Maverick felt bad. He?d known how hard his father had been working, and had never stopped to think about what he could do to help. He?d been doing what he could here and there, to accept members and help them out, but never had he really stepped into the Prince position and made it his own. He knew he ought to be asserting himself, answering calls more often, and doing more in general. Things would change, although it seemed that the King position might be nearer than he?d ever imagined it being. His father had very subtly told him that he would be stepping down soon, which meant the crown would naturally travel to himself and his new bride. He knew they were ready despite their youth. They could do anything they set their minds to.

He slowed his pace slightly, weaving through the trees with no particular destination in mind. ?I do, Epiphron. Father says he means to give us the crown soon ? though I don?t know when.? He sighed, too bad that wasn?t the only thing on his mind. He turned his head to look at her, lime eyes meeting blue. ?I learned a lot about my father while I was gone.. and one thing I learned is ? as much as I love and respect him ? I don?t want my life to end up like his. I have a whole different plan for my life, and it doesn?t include a divorce and running myself ragged.? Though his words seemed criticizing, his tone was anything but. He respected Gerhardt Mathias probably more than any other wolf in the whole entire world. ?My father never got to sire his own litter, never got to see children of his own flesh and blood. I don?t want that for us. I know we only just married, and I won?t rush you, but I would love to raise children with you ? crown or no crown.? He paused then, to let her process and respond. He?d given her a lot to think about, and a lot to decide upon. Granted, nothing had to be determined tonight unless she wanted the same thing he did.
