
Sleepless in Phoenix


09-14-2018, 07:12 AM

"Ellie speech" & 'Ellie thoughts'

She was thankful to have found some shade and cover from the sun. Thankful to find the small trickling stream to drink from and to cool her paws off. She was regretting her decision to travel during the day, especially through a partial desert. The darker tones of her pelt made it more difficult for her to stay cool, despite the fact she had a lighter coat on for the weather. It hadn't been her best decision of the week, but at least she had found a place to take cover for the rest of the day.

Looking down at her paws as the small trickling stream moved around them, she smiled at the slight tickling feeling she was getting from the water. It was soothing to her feet as well and helped her cool down a lot faster. She moved out of the water and over to a nice spot under a tree, settling down into a sternal position to further relax. Once nightfall hit she may travel again, but for now she wanted to stay here out of the sun.

She had pushed herself to get here to begin with, anxious to start a new chapter within her life. She was unsure where her travels would lead her, but she wanted to find out. Not getting any younger was also a push as well.

Art by Syllvernight