
Fastened with String and Bubblegum



10 Years
09-14-2018, 06:43 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2018, 06:46 PM by Ara.)
Malleus didn't seem the least bit surprised by her description of the Abraxas that he'd met, which said quite a bit about the family in general. They sounded like the fearless sort - the type to act first and figure out the consequences later. Her own family, at least the ones she'd grown up with, were quite different, more reserved and cautious in their actions. The comment about his family's hard head made her laugh, shaking her head at the thought. "He would've been fine without my help, truthfully, but I figured I ought to patch him up since I happened to find him." Ara thought better than to divulge the name of the male she'd encountered. She had no clue if him receiving help might be something his family would frown upon, or tease him over - she'd stay out of their affairs unless Malleus specifically asked, but he didn't seem terribly interested in prying.

She watched as he carefully unearthed the root of the plant, fastening it carefully. She appreciated the care he used, and enjoyed analyzing his methods and comparing them to her own. It'd been awhile since she'd spent time with someone who shared interests with her, and it was honestly refreshing, no matter the outcome. Malleus suggested then that they might find a plant of her own, and she beamed, a bit bashfully. "I'd love that," she admitted, albeit a bit tentatively. She didn't want him to go out of his way to help her, but she'd be pleased to spend more time with him if he was truly willing. "Thank you, Malleus." With that, the two would set off together to look for another plant, one she could hopefully take back and find somewhere safe to plant on her own.

- end -