
Sleepless in Phoenix



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
09-15-2018, 12:59 AM

The summer sun beat down on his back, and he was glad that his coat was almost entirely white. He didn't think he would have been able to manage if he had darker fur, didn't darker fur colors absorb more heat? He shook his head, feeling sorry for those that had black fur. Ugh! He couldn't imagine how torturous that might be during the summer heat! He felt hotter just thinking about it! Oh well, he was one of the luckier ones, he thought. Tongue hung between parted jaws as he searched for the dwindling river. A drink of water sounded good right about now.

He moved through the plains in search of it, all the while the deer and other animals kept their eye on him as he walked. It was kind of creepy having so many eyes on him, so he moved in a direction that had his back turned towards most of those vigilant eyes. It didn't take long for him to find the stream, and when he approached he dipped his paws into it while drinking. He felt like he had been there for several minutes before he finally finished, and when he was done, he squinted up at the sky. It's going to be a long day... Dare he go home and hide out in his den? The idea to hide from the sun did seem tempting, but going back to the pack right now? Not so much. Instead, he looked around until he spotted a single tree standing not too far away, so he decided to head over to it.

As he neared the only source of shade in the whole valley, he noticed that there was someone else beneath it. Blue gaze inspected the stranger, but ultimately he decided he just couldn't take the heat on his back anymore. "Sorry to bother you, but mind if I join you in the shade? It's pretty hot out," He didn't even really wait for an answer as he continued towards the tree. Within moments, he was panting beneath the shade. Well, if the woman decided he wasn't welcome, then he would probably just pretend she wasn't there. He didn't exactly feel like going back out under the sun until it got cooler at least. "So uh...what brings you here? Trying to get a tan or something?" Might as well make some small talk while he was here, right?


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