
I wanted to seek, I got distracted



5 Years
09-15-2018, 03:49 PM

Serene Validis

The golden mother laid curled up in their expansive den, embracing the warmth and the light murmurs of her sleeping brood. Serene loved the night so much for this exact moment where she could rest easy, surrounded by her young, as one giant, happy family. It was if the impending troubles were forgotten, and peace settled over her like a thick wool blanket. It was divine, and surely this was her reward for pleasing the Gods with her promised litter. As per usual, Serene laid curled up beside her beloved Malleus, her body drifting towards his for a sense of protection, and their hoard sprinkled around them. The sandy woman was fast asleep; her daily duties being a mother of five took a relenting toll on her energy bit by bit, but she wouldn't trade it for anything. Running after her pups and tending to their each and every need personally was a blessing, and it assured Serene she was creating a more powerful bond with her young with each passing day. Still, her low energy had her sleeping like a rock and unable to sense the approach of another.

Ashiel's call was enough to rouse the woman from her deep slumber, but the abrupt sound had her startled and slightly panicked. She would quickly roll from her side to a more sternal position, amber orbs glued to the mouth of the den as her heart rate sky rocketed. "Wha-? Who's there?" It came out more of a growl than she wanted it to, but that could have been due to her groggy state rather than real aggression. When her eyes finally adjusted to the darkness of night, she could make out a pair of somewhat familiar ember eyes. "A-Ashiel? Is that you?" She was still a bit out of it, but slowly the foggy grips of sleep were slipping away, and she soon began to realize what was going on around her.

