
Starbite Babies!!



3 Years
09-15-2018, 04:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2018, 02:14 PM by Fergus.)

HALLA WRECKAGE (mng: frost, finnish)
female - hunter - intellect - 36+", heterosexual, lawful good

--  Eye Color: Ice Blue
It goes without saying that Halla takes after her father more than her mother, though she isn't missing any of her qualities either. Her body shape is similar to her father - a well shaped body with a decent amount of weight and lengthy legs to allow some room for speed with large paws for balance. A womanly figure keeps her resembling her mother, however even the bone structure of her face is soft and pleasing to the eye. There's no doubt that she's her fathers daughter, but her mother didn't get forgotten.

Her coloring is a hodge-podge of browns, blending seemlessly on smooth, soft fur. It darkens and lightens as it pleases it seems, but it's the sudden interruption of stark white that really makes her stand out. Spaning across her entire face, throat, and chest, parts if her forelimbs, socks on her rear paws, and a large blanket over her mid to lower back, hips, and upper portion of her beautiful, plush tail, the it looks almost like snow clung to her coat. With icy blue eyes only brightened by the white around them, she is simply beautiful. A perfect combination of her mothers beauty and her fathers... everything else.

*note that her nose/pads are black

--  Traits: Caring, Empathetic, Fun-Loving, Kind, Optimistic, Reliable, Selfless, Maternal
As a child, there is a lot to say about Halla. There's more energy in those bones than she knows what to do with and it comes out in one of two ways - either her mouth or her legs are running a mile a minute! She loves to play, whether it's wrestling, tag, hide-and-seek, or whatever other game the children have come up with. She'll do anything to have a good time, almost to the point it's risky. Although the stage seems to never die, as she ages she does settle a bit to the point that the risk level definitely lowers quite a bit. Her love for having fun follows her into her adulthood and keeps her young at heart with a penchant for the silly games she played as a child.

Her kindness wasn't taught to her, it was something ingrained into her very being from the moment she was born. Although hunting is something she enjoys, it doesn't come without a heavy heart as she learns and she will honor every death for providing food with a moment of silence and perhaps a few words. Other than hunting, Halla would never hurt a fly. While at times the woman may have a bit of sass and attitude, she'd never start a fight or anything more than a bit of a spat with anyone. She's definitely all bark if it comes to anything and certainly no bite, though that can certainly change and may be something she looks in to with her desire to lead a pack like her father.

Halla definitely isn't the kind to fill her own needs before making sure the needs of others are filled. She cares about her pack and those around her and would do anything to make sure they are comfortable and their needs are met, definitely being the Alpha's daughter. She's good at reading others emotions and knowing how they are feeling by having simple conversations and spending time with them. While she's definitely caring about everyone Lirim, her heart really lies with the children. She loves spending time with them and playing games, even as an adult. One day, she wants to have many children of her own, but she's happy playing with everyone else's until she finds someone she loves to settle down with. She can be quite maternal over other's children and it can probably even get a bit annoying to the mothers at times, though she means it in the best way that she can. She just loves kids and wants to take care of them, but in no way does she want to step on anyone's toes.

Even in the darkest of times, Halla can be bright. She tries to uplift situations to make them appear more positive than they are, just to keep up morale. Believing that it helps to make a situation better if everyone's thinking positive, she's good at staying optimistic about things in bad situations. It takes a lot to make her falter; keeping a good poker face is one of her specialties.

Ambitions: Leadership is her ultimate goal, wanting to be just like her father, however whether or not that is achieved will be based on ic interactions and dependent on them heavily. If things don't move that way, despite her hunting skill then perhaps towards the rank of Bone, crafting jewelries and things for herself and others. While she may be her fathers tough little girl, she is still a lady and isn't shy to show it off. However, she does have many interests, so the rank of Nightshade may equally interest her if she goes down a more useful path, but less aggressive than that of a fighter. If neither of these things interest her as she ages, then a master Bison may be her calling with a large amount of hunting skill points. Regardless, there will be plenty of options for her, it just depends on how she develops.

Leaving the pack would really only depend on whether or not there was an opportunity to lead, but she wouldn't leave without her parents blessing and a mate (that she also had her parents blessing on!). Her pack wouldn't stray far from Lirim either, so she'll always be close to home. Other than that, there's no reason I could think of that she would leave, unless she fell madly in love with someone and she'd probably be more likely to capture them and drag them to Lirim than leave and go live with him somewhere else.

Plot Ideas: daddys little shadow angel. She also definitely wants her parents blessing on her future mate, but I think it might be kind of fun they tried to push someone she didn't want on her while she's trying to convince them of someone that didn't like as much (then hopefully liked him a lot later lol).