
New Blood

Astraios I


2 Years
09-15-2018, 06:06 PM


He understood little that was spoken about demons and oaths. He knew of demons as an idea, an impression of something evil. To him, the man that had killed his mother was a demon, and the thing growing inside of him was the seed of a demon, this desire to hurt and rip-asunder.

The leaders who’s red gaze had so intrigued him was moving now, catching the young wolf’s eyes. He lowered the hare to the ground, and still Rai pushed aside his growing hunger, giving the dead only a parting glance, his attention for the titan who approached him. He had attention only for the younger boy, and it was clear that his questions were important, that the answer Astraios gave him meant everything.

Words did not come easily to the boy anymore. He had spoken so little since... that night, that he was no longer certain how to put his string of thoughts together and create something even remotely close to the message he needed to get across. Words where only for important, monumental moments. He did not speak his idle thoughts, when once words and questions had flown easily through him. "I wish to stay. To learn." He paused here, these few words only carrying across part of what he wished to say. In that moment of silence, a whisper of a wind ruffling his coat and reminding him of other moments. He steeled himself, closing his eyes for the time it took to take in a breath, and opened them again. There was something fundamentally wrong with him. He was broken, fragmented. It was important that no one saw it. If they knew him to be broken would they give to him the secret of taking a life? He could not take that risk.

"But if I can never leave, how will I find my nemesis? How will I take the life that's owed to me?" Because he would. He would find the man that his ripped away his world, and he would kill him. He would put his mother to rest with that kill, and he would sooth something in his soul by doing his grim duty slowly.
This was another of those turning points in his life, where the words of another decided the course of his future.
hHe didn't sound like a child when he spoke, and perhaps that was a part of what made him broken. these adult words in the soft tones of a young wolf, the look in his eyes that spoke of resolve and need, a desire that no young creature should ever feel so keenly.



Astraios is broken, mostly mute, with a death wish