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8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
09-15-2018, 06:29 PM


Little Elise also put her nose to the earth, keeping her eyes on RIva to mimic her actions. The healer managed to conceal her smile as she let her senses spread out, searching around them. They would probably have to move a little ways away from this area before they found something, and that of course posed other questions and problems. Where was this one's family? Riva could hardly take her from this area without first knowing if her family was expecting her to wait here for them.

Elise began to sneeze loudly, and Riva lifted her head to look at her, but it was clear it was just a bit of dust and dirt up her nose. The healer was smiling again, the little wolf was so cute and trying to hard, that she couldn’t help but melt Riva’s heart. They started walking a little bit forward, sniffing and searching as she did. She was seeking not only something to hunt, but also some indication of her parents whereabouts. She would make sure little Elise found her way back to them before Riva left her. There scents where still in her coat, and she was much to sweet and carefree to have experienced a tragedy, so Riva was certain she would have no problems doing so.

After a little bit of walking, Riva caught a scent, and crouched even lower to the earth. It wouldn’t have been her first choice, the blackbird having an easy escape in the sky, but it was the first thing she had scented before. She used her tail to slowly draw the little wolf’s attention to their prey. It was twitering on a log not far to their right, and was low enough to the ground for even Elise to catch, and its attention was on the earth, no doubt searching for grubs and worms.

