
Everything is falling apart



7 Years
Extra large
09-15-2018, 07:30 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 10:48 PM by Torin.)
Kairi leaned into him, giving him gentle reassurance, calming affection. She spoke softly and Torin couldn't help the dry rasping laugh that pulled from his lungs. Of course he had thought of leaning on his family, it wasn't as if he had never considered it but as his siblings and mother had drifted away and what little family he had left had decided to divide, both equally demanding their loyalty to him he hadn't wanted to put any more pressure on them. Still he listened as his sister spoke, feeling in equal measure sadness and resentment and a deep desire to protect his sister and make things right again.

He shifted slightly as Kairi pulled away, not feeling strong enough yet to meet her eyes but not wanting to seem like he was ignoring her he tilted his head towards her but kept his gaze low. He hadn't known that about Zell, but then how could he, when his father hardly seemed to speak to him. He sighed. "I didn't know that." He admitted, his feelings of guilt becoming even stronger, still he couldn't help the slight resentment.

"I- I want to make things right between us, I hate knowing that I hurt him but I don't know how to... and-" He sighed, lifting his head to look at her for the first time. "I hate feeling like I'm being made to choose between my family. I know dad doesn't see her that way but Jewell is my sister and I care for her just as much as I do you or Jaidah or... or dad." He sighed, he had always figured this conversation would have found him getting heated, he'd been harboring that anger and resentment for month, but instead he just felt defeated.

He shook his head, as far as he was concerned this wasn't an issue for his sister, this was something he and his father would have to work out."Kairi, if you're ever unsure about your place here please know you can come talk to me. I'd love to work with you on this." He managed to summon a bit more confidence in his voice, though it was still soft and his stature still spoke of his uncertainty. "And I... will make an effort to not try to carry the whole weight of the world on my shoulders."

walk "Talk" think

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