
Make Them Bow



5 Years
09-15-2018, 07:37 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

He turned to face her and she could feel the tingle of anticipation work its way down her spine. It seemed that everything was happening in slow motion, and while the two had never been close, they had spoken on many occasions. If she remembered correctly, they had once shared their ambitions with one another, and she'd offered to spar with him. If he had accepted or not, she couldn't remember. It had been so long ago, in another lifetime. But there he was, standing in front of her and, for a moment, she felt like she was home again, just catching him at the border by chance. The only difference now, though, was that he may not be here to just exchange words. And they were a world away from their home.

He spoke and she couldn't help the look of surprise that flashed across her face for a brief moment, but she quickly cleared it away, returning her expression to something more neutral. He had killed his brother to rise above his given title, nearly the exact crime she had been accused of. How strange it felt for her, that she now stood on an equal level as a bastard. A person she had at one point pitied, knowing how the world could be to those like him. He then asked her what had made her leave, and the suspicion began to set in. It was too perfect, too similar. Maybe he was trying to draw a confession from her by creating a sympathetic persona.

"My ambition seemed to scare my family, and my heathenous sister slaughtered our father in his sleep and found a way to place the blame on me. My cowardice brothers gave me a nights head start to flee before they set warriors and hunters after me, so I left. I kept walking until my legs couldn't carry me any further, and then I rested for a while, and then I got back up and kept walking." She hated to admit that she had fled, but at the time, she hadn't known what else to do. She knew that she'd make a better leader than all her siblings combined, but she had been loyal to her family to a fault. "At the time, in the heat of the moment, it seemed like the best option. If I could go back in time, though, I'd have rather died trying to separate their heads from their traitorous bodies."

She had considered going back a time or two, but she knew there was no way she'd ever make it close enough to them to be able to achieve her goal. The best thing she could do now was settle elsewhere. If the man before her was telling her the truth, if he had truly done what he had, and was here to start fresh, there was a good chance that she would be willing to join her forces to his. Not that they had many forces to begin with. She had gathered some useful knowledge from the girl by the lake, had gained a follower named Spider during her trip to the gorge, and her time in Auster had given her chance to speak with an Emperor of a pack that lived in the lands, and the opportunity to get a taste of some of the other predators that lived in the land. If the bastard intended to take a kingdom for himself, he would need to learn the land, and if he was smart, he would know that he would need her in order to do so.

Table Code by Madi and Alice ;; Picture by Wolven-Wonderland