
Let's Kill Batman [MEETING]



7 Years
09-15-2018, 10:58 PM

Typhon was quiet and patient as the rest of the pack joined them. Much to his pleasure, he saw a few familiar faces from Eclipse Empire, including Ashiel. When his kin turned to greet him, he flashed him an earnest smile, beyond thankful that he had made it out of the flood alive and well. They didn't have time to properly speak, though, at least not yet - for a moment later Malleus had begin speaking to the group. He welcomed those that had joined them here, going on to discuss the pack as a whole. He spoke that he'd initially thought of himself as a placeholder for a leader, but time had showed him otherwise - a declaration that pleased him greatly, as Malleus seemed a fine leader in his eyes.

Ashiel spoke next, his voice strong with conviction and Typhon had no doubt that he visions he described were true visions sent from the gods. Enraptured by the colorful tale, his wide eyes fixed on Ashiel, ears flicking in interest. He felt something building within his chest as Ashiel described what he had seen, a sense of fear coupled with purpose. The Fallen God was definitely warning them, as Malleus went on to say, and he nodded quickly in understanding. His entire life had revolved around improving himself to join the Abraxas family, and he knew now that his existence had led up to this very moment. They needed to change their ways and come together as a united front, returning to Amon's ways. As well as describing changes, he introduced the newest members and went on to see who might be willing to help watch over them. Finally, he announced they'd be moving territories, which he agreed was a good decision.

He listened as Aaliyah offered her own view of the situation. He had nothing to add of his own, but one thing was unanimous and obvious to them all - they needed to return to their old ways, if they were to prosper, as they were meant to. He appreciated Serene's interest in gaining a more intimate connection with The Fallen God, certainly a good sign that she had thoroughly adapted to the ways of their people. After a moment of hesitation, and careful thought, he spoke up. "I'd be willing to help mentor Proserpina, if you believe me fit. I believe I'd fit best as a soldier here, as well." He knew little of the younger Abraxas, but studied her with a thoughtful eye and wondered if Malleus would deem him worthy. As for rank, he cared less about what he personally wanted, and more of where he would fit the needs of the Abraxas best - and he believed soldier might be that.

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