



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-16-2018, 10:22 AM
dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

The man introduced himself as Zell Valentine and agreed to spar him. Éldi grinned, excitement jolting down his limbs. He knew the man was likely far more experienced than himself but he had his youth on his side and besides, who better to learn from than an old grizzled warrior? A toothy grin spread across his face as he took a few steps back, seeking to leave a space of about eight between them from which they could form their own bloody arena.

His defenses set in an instance, the thrill of getting started lending speed, almost urgency to his motions.  He felt like it had been ages since he'd sparred against a seasoned opponent apart from Valkyrie. His skull and tail descended in alignment with his spine, his abdomen tensing as his chin tucked against the curvature of his neck.  His strong shoulders rolled forward as his neck drew back pushing a protective covering of excess flesh and fat over his vitals.  His sharp gaze narrowed as his ears lay tightly against his lowered crown.  Éldi's weight would shift evenly among his grounded limbs that spread equidistant apart and bent slightly at the joints to lower his center of gravity.  His toes splayed and claws bit into the earth for better traction.  His hackles raised along the length of his spine as his ravenous jaws parted, blackened lips curling to unsheathe his fangs and bunch the skin of his face.

With his defenses locked down Éldi would launch himself forward, his lengthy limbs attempting to devour the distance lingering between himself and his opponent.  Éldi would attempt to approach his opponent head-on before his body would shift slightly to his own left as he attempted to come at Zell from a forty-five degree angle, facing in towards the older man's right shoulder.  Éldi sought to lance the front of his left shoulder blade into the outer muscular portion of Zell's right shoulder, hoping the combination of his forward momentum and bulk would cause severe brusing.

Simultaneously, his glistening fangs would seek to mar the right side of his opponents face.  His upper fangs seeking to pierce through the flesh just above Zell's right eye, while his lower fangs sought to hook under the corner of his opponents right-sided jaw.  He sought a solid grip from which he could limit his opponent's movement.

As he moved in for the shoulder throw his weight would shift evenly to his front right leg and back legs as his left forepaw would leave the ground, the paw then immediately seeking to dive down in the hopes of connecting with the toes of Zell's right forepaw.  He hoped he might sprain the toes of the older man beneath his paw.  

Éldi vs Valentine Rd. 1/2 for Spar
Unjudged Fight
Height: 41"
Build: Heavy