
The truth is stranger than all my dreams



7 Years
Extra large
09-16-2018, 05:07 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 11:07 PM by Torin.)

Ara spoke of recognizing his family name and Torin couldn't help but chuckle softly, nodding as he did so. He hadn't met as much as his extended family as it seemed everyone else on the continent had but he knew enough to know that they were far reaching and it gave him some comfort to think that at least he and his cousin were keeping some kind of kingdom for his family alive.

The woman spoke and Torin listened intently, breathing in her words and allowing them to process before he spoke. "You're in good company, I've never exactly been a people person." He rumbled, his tone slightly amused. "Actually as it happens I may not have been seeking you out solely for pleasantries." He shifted slightly, not wanting to appear rude for asking something of the woman so soon after she had arrived but also knowing what was needed.

"We have some children in the pack, my sister's pups, who are old enough now to start learning the skills they'll need and find where they want to be in the pack but we have a notable lack of healers right now... and as it so happens you're now technically our senior most healer." He breathed a sigh to mask his own frustrations about the lack of response to his request. "What I'm getting at is if you're willing to offer even an introductory lesson for them and anyone else interested you'd be doing us a favor." Not that he was going to force her into anything, he admired her honesty about the situation and he wanted to give her an easy retirement if that's what she was looking for.    

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

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