
Lips Of An Angel


07-08-2013, 09:51 PM

Stupid piece of shit motherfucker...Should of had that bastard already....Could've been eating the finest piece of meat right now but of course I would fuck up....Shit that fucking hurts... Strings of profanities fell from his pale jaws, daggers clamping against piece after piece of bark as he painstakingly began pulling out all the pieces of tree that had managed to dig themselves into his skin. Each one pulled out was another snarl, another hiss past his powerful jaws, now beginning to ache with the effort of having to pull out all the little mother fuckers. Fuck dammit! Him and his fucking cockyass ego, thinking he could after a damn moose on his own. He had done it before, but that had been pure luck and the thing had been injured last time. This one had been perfectly healthy but Demyan had gone right on ahead and gone after it anyway. For once, his cockiness had come back to bite him in the ass. And he was not at all pleased with it.

He'd been too busy ripping the wood out from his body to notice the little pipsqueak (sorry clashy, that's how he sees her XD) that come up to his side until her high pitched voice pierced his ears. Audits flattened against his skull, jaws releasing the piece of branch that he was working, crown whipping around, a snarl twisting his features, the actual sound rumbling deeply in his chest as cyan gems came across the black and white figure of a youngster. Nasals twitched, confirming the scent to belong to a young female.
I-I've had some training as a healer. Chewing on these will help dull the pain and keep your head clear. Hang on just a moment. I'll find more herbs!
Her squeaky voice had his snarl increasing in pitch, muzzle crinkling more -if it was possible- as he glared at her, gaze flickering down to the willow shoots that she had deposited beside him. Right forelimb struck out, tossing the shoots away, salmon tongue lashing out to brush against ivory daggers. He didn't need help from anyone, and especially not some tiny little worthless bitch (again excuse the bad names clashy, Demy hates children XD). Who the hell did this damn kid think she was? He didn't give a rat's ass if she had been taught in the art of healing or not. He was perfectly fine. He didn't need anyone's help. He could deal the fucking pain. He wasn't a pussy. Pain was nothing to him. Sending a last snarl in the little bitch's direction, the gargantuan turned back to his side, daggers returning to their task of pulling out the remaining pieces of bark, crimson oozing from the multiple puncture wounds.

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