
Mists of Gold (meeting)



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
09-17-2018, 06:11 PM
The rest of the pack slowly trickled in, even Paladin and Aurielle moving up to speak privately to Gwen. On his way back to join the rest of them, though, Paladin spoke up to Justice, inviting her to join him on his trip to train with the nomads. Her eyes lit up with enthusiasm, finally seeing a chance to do the training she'd been itching for. But that spark died into wariness. She'd run away once to join the nomads, just like Paladin had, but unlike him she hadn't found them. Part of her couldn't help but wonder why he'd been able to, while she had spent several seasons of her life wandering alone. Was he just that much more lucky? Or had they just rejected her and left her to wander? Silly thought, that. Ridiculous, actually. But the fear still lurked deep down, a puppy's fear from her puppyhood that she couldn't quite shake. "Sure," she said with caution. "If I'm not needed for patrols I'll head up that way. It's not far."

The brief conversation with Paladin had quite distracted her from the meeting, so she was almost surprised when Gwen spoke up to begin, introducing each of the four pups and naming the absent one. Justice glanced around idly, wondering who all would speak up so she didn't have to, and realized as she did that Regulus, his mate, and their son had all not shown up. That only left a handful of them there, which meant... yep, only Laisren spoke up, leaving everyone else sitting awkwardly waiting for someone else to go first.

Justice made a face, but took the initiative. "Hi," she began in her usual brash manner. "My name is Justice Ancora, I am four years old and I enjoy long walks on the plains and lightning storms, and I dislike rain and prey with feathers. Oh, and cowards," she added thoughtfully. "I'm not a fan of cowards." She flashed a cheeky grin before continuing. "I am a paladin here, which means I do both healing and fighting, but more fighting. I like my job - once we got attacked by another pack, and I got to cut up a guy's eyeballs," she told the pups with a great deal of relish. What? It's what she would most have liked to hear about when she was a pup. What pup DIDN'T want to hear about gauging out eyes?