
The truth is stranger than all my dreams



10 Years
09-18-2018, 07:52 AM

It was strangely comforting to know he came from a bloodline that she was familiar with; the Adravendi family had been nothing been kind to her, and her memories of them were fond ones. She had no doubt that this Torin would only further add to this collection of positive thoughts. She listened as he spoke up, agreeing with her sentiment, and she smiled in gentle relief. Her very purpose involved helping others, in teaching them as well as healing them, and yet she wasn't the most social of creatures - the contrast of these two parts of herself was rather amusing. It didn't interfere with her work, and she wouldn't ever hesitate to seek out someone who was injured simply because she wasn't feeling like interacting. No, her altruism and passion for helping those who needed it always came out above everything else, no matter what.  "Seems I'm in good company, then," Ara's smile widened, her tail batting gentle against the earth behind her.

He admitted he hadn't sought her out specifically to talk, which didn't entirely surprise her. He admitted that there were children within Lirim who needed to begin learning their place within the pack, and what path they wanted to take.. only there weren't many skilled healers within the pack to begin with to teach them.  The thought of teaching youngsters about healing pleased her greatly, and her smile returned twofold, her excitement genuine and easily palpable. "It's been a long while since I've formally taught anyone," she admitted, though she was merely explaining rather than trying to get out of the situation. No, she was truly honored, and her mind already had begun whirling with the possibilities.  "But I'd love to. My body might be old, but my mind feels as young as yours, and there's no use letting it go to waste quite yet." Living her life here in ease sounded nice, and teaching youngsters about what she was most passionate about fit the bill perfectly. "I'm sure I can teach your nieces and nephews a thing or two, and if any are more interested in healing as a craft I'd be happy to mentor them personally."