
Can you hear me?


09-18-2018, 01:42 PM

"I know exactly what you mean. I've never felt so out of place." Baelfire's ears fell against her head for just a moment, her eyes glancing around the canine's frame; Pegasus was a lot like herself, and this brought Baelfire a lot of comfort. She enjoyed being around like minded individuals, now seeing that she no longer had his attention the pair of wolves continued their way through the cavern. Sandy fur now meshed with that of the stone walls as she squeezed through the small entrance. "Yes, it's been quite a challenge to keep myself up to the standards I was raised with. Your Grandfather was certainly correct, as I have found myself running muck throughout the lands of Boreas I have also found myself relaxing more around the canines that inhabit this continent." Green eyes watched Pegasus close as he meandered down the sharp incline, he had certainly been navigating places for quite awhile. "Watch your step." Nodding silently to herself Baelfire Kolceg now following suit behind his frame, her ears fell against her head as she felt a droplet of water fall onto her coat.

Her nose now wrinkled as the scent of mildew traveled into her nostrils, snorting roughly Baelfire knew that certain parts of her previous home had been less than sanitary. Suddenly it sounded like there was a rushing river right before her, nails scraped against the rock beneath her in a fit of anxiety. She wasn't sure about how to go through the cavern at this point, she was a decent swimmer but it certainly wasn't her strongest ability. Her ears fell against her head as she spotted Pegasus now stepping into a fast paced walk, what on earth was ahead of them? "What on earth is that noise? It sounds like a River."

Before her very eyes a grand cavern was before them, the long winding river seemed to go on for several feet before the pair, the banks illuminated with the spores from the glowing mushrooms. The water falling to a shallow level right before her feet, beds of moss cushioned her paws as she now walked down towards the banks of the river. She was smart enough to know that it wouldn't be wise to jump into the river, although part of her wanted to just for a moment, only to feel the temperature of the water. A bit of a shiver rolled over her sandy colored coat as her toes touched the chilly water, of course it was cold, they were in a cave. Her green eyes landed on the large waterfall before her, the impact of the water causing a white foam to develop at the base of the roaring waterfall. 'I haven't seen such a thing.. How beautiful.'

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'