
Law of The Jungle


09-18-2018, 01:52 PM

Aspen Wreckage

The young adventurer had traveled a bit farther north than she had been before, hoping to expand her horizon and get a better understanding of the land. She had been drawing a map inside her head ever since she first set out on her journeys, but it was always so evident that the world was far larger, more vast that her paws could not travel it within a few days time. It would take her months, years even to travel across all of Boreas, not to mention the continent to the south; Auster. Yes, Aspen had much work to do, but she was determined too get it all done in due time. For if she was to give up traveling, then what else was left? Why stay in one place when the entire world was waiting for you?

Charcoal coat slipped across tall grass, reaching even over her shoulders at some points. But every now and again she would jump up over the grass and see her destination, a little closer each time; a dazzling lake where she could soak her simmering body and escape this relenting heat from the summer sun. Arctic blue eyes glanced up to the clear blue skies in annoyance. Not one. Not a single cloud to spare her from this heat. She let out a loud huff before pushing forward, ears twitching at the hum of insects all around her, seeming to play a well orchestrated melody that only ceased when her frame passed them by. Finally Aspen would breach the waters edge, the water sparkling with the light of mid-day sun and nearly blinding her unsuspecting gaze. She quickly dropped her gaze to the water just before her paws, gentle waves lapping against the bank and begging her to take a sip. Which she gladly did.
