
Lips Of An Angel



07-08-2013, 10:17 PM


Down went her muzzle to search out the scent of other plants. So much was new to her in the South, but then she'd been taught by a southern healer. She recognized the simplest of plants first - plantain, the broad-leafed 'soldier's herb', and dandelion, with it's little towers of gold. Two of the most humble, common weeds, and yet in ages past, they had proven true. Orica snapped up as much as she could of both plants, and with a muzzle brimming full of emerald leaves and stems, ran back to the wounded male. Her white paws pulled her up from her charge perfectly, and she let drop the pile of leaves before her. She noticed the cast away willow bits, and assumed he had tried some and disliked them. "I know it tastes very bitter, but it's good for you," she reasoned, her wide, blue eyes peering at him with what she probably thought was severity. He'd still been growling at her, but she figured that was just at the pain. She couldn't figure out why he wouldn't take his medicine. Maybe he just didn't trust her?

She decided to try to ease his mind with some explanations. "You're very lucky to still be alive," she said as she clawed at the plants before her, turning them into an effective pulp. "But I don't think you will be for much longer if I don't get a poultice to that wound." She flicked a worried glance at the male's bloodsoaked belly. He'd nearly been split open like a deer! Orica would look back later and be surprised at how completely calm she was around the mess of wolf's blood. All that training had been talk and lessons and small cuts, but this was the real deal. She'd never seen blood like that before, and yet the thought of feeling ill or faint or whatever, never occurred to her. If she felt anything, it was an itch to keep working, to keep soothing and fixing. She didn't want to see anyone in pain. So it was very quickly that she scooped up some of the shreds of herbs in her muzzle, and closed the distance between herself and the hunter. She blinked at him for a moment, and then cocked her head. He had to roll onto his side a bit before she could do any good. "Are you going to let me help you?" she asked around the herbs.
