
And then I let him go



3 Years
Extra large
09-18-2018, 05:09 PM

Asharya walked with a spring in her step, tail plumed and held aloft over her back as she went. It was a bright banner, one that bespoke exactly how excited she was to be back in her homeland. Well, nearly back anyways. She was a lot closer now than she had been for a few seasons anyways and that was enough to make her smile. She was excited to see her family again, and to tell them of her travels. Especially Ashi, her brother and obviously favorite of the Abraxas clan. Alright, if she was being honest she was pretty much just excited to see him and her mother, but she hoped the others were doing well too.

Returning to the continent had been a challenge in of itself, but the struggle of it made the fiery fae feel all the stronger. Someone had obviously gone and pissed off the ocean, which seemed to be wreaking all manner of havoc, but she was only just beginning to understand the extent of it. It was ultimately the desire to understand more yet that drove her a bit off course. The islands which lay off of Boreas' eastern coast seemed smaller than she remembered as she passed them by. Her long, purposeful stride slowed to a meander and at last to a stop. A grin curled its way onto her face, and half a heartbeat later she had propelled herself into the surf.

Powerful legs churned through the surf easily at the start, but she was panting and feeling a bit noodley by the time she reached the far shore. The trees were sparser here than on the mainland, and the sun seemed to shine just a bit brighter somehow, but that was no reason not to like the place. After taking a moment to regain her composure, Asharya stood with a shake and set off towards the inland. She clambered over a scattering of stones, climbing higher up in the hopes of getting a better vantage point. There had to be something here worth the swim. She'd stay until she found one, anyways.

As it turned out, she wouldn't have long to wait. Asharya turned to her left, and found nothing of interest. Lame. But upon turning to her right, Asha saw first a flash of brown fur amongst the rocks, only a short distance farther down the shoreline. Exhilaration trilled through her, hoping it might be a deer or something equally tasty. Disappointment crashed down a moment later when she realized it was only a wolf. But wait, that was good too! The exhilaration returned. It was a bit tricky to guess much given the distance between them but the stranger seemed a bit lanky, if not all that much smaller. Either young or sickly, but either way pestering them seemed like a fantastic way to entertain herself for the afternoon.

"Hey!" Asha called out, fearless and eager. It didn't occur to her that this other wolf might be hostile or even just opposed to company. Asha wanted to meet her, so meet her she would. She might not loathe mortals the way most of her family did, but that didn't mean she ever paid them much attention. Unless of course she happened to be struck by inspiration, such as now. A wide grin split her lips, and the glimmer in her eyes promised mischief. She jumped down from the stones and set off down the shoreline in the young wolf's direction. "And to think I was worried there wouldn't be anything out here worth the swim over. I'm Asha! Whatcha doin', anyways?"

Once she was a bit closer it became clear the stranger was definitely younger than she was, but that didn't mean Asha considered her to be just a dumb kid. Her own mother had made certain she and her brother grew up quickly, so as far as she was concerned if this kid could make it out here all on her own she was strong enough to find trouble all on her own. Essentially all grown up, right? And if not, well, Asharya was hardly opposed to steering the youth of these lands in questionable directions. Being a bad influence was one of her greatest joys in life, after all. No use in letting a perfectly good opportunity pass her by!

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox