
Burn, or freeze? - Adoptions



4 Years
09-20-2018, 11:46 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2018, 02:50 PM by Tyranis.)
OOC Name: FenBen

Character Name: Hestia

Design: Top middle here


The woman appears to have been kissed by the sun itself. While her fur is mostly black dark grays have weaved their way into her coat along her scruff and back and form a fading mask on her face that is cut through along her cheeks and under her eyes with a raven wing ebony shade darker than her main color. The girl would be perfectly ordinary had it not been for the swirling golden marking on her flank that seems to spread like a galaxy dotting her body with hundreds of golden stars and bleeds into her tail, blanketing it completely. Her Forepaw is the only other place touched by the raging sun's mark; coiling up her arm from her gold dipped paw like the tail of a meteor.

In form the woman hardly looks like a woman at all; her stocky build and muscular legs seem better suited to working the plains as a hunter, but speaks volumes to her skill as a smith. Her ears are short for her head and her posture slightly hunched in what might be considered submissive at a glance but is merely a result of her quiet disposition. One she has used to her advantage in feigning where her loyalty and alliances lie. In spite of the girl's stunningly beautiful coat color Hestia is somewhat homely with her fur unkempt and coarse to the touch. Her mother would often plead for her to make an effort at beautifying herself so she would find a mate but Hestia has never felt the need. Rather she prefers long days toiling in the forges and most prefers to have the evidence of her labors visible at all times.



Hestia's true loyalty has always lain with the southern lands, more than with Mars or with the fallen prince, however this has never stopped her from appearing outwardly kind to the northern wolves while in public. Even now that wolves both southern and northern have been thrown into neutral territory it's unlikely she will end her contempt for the northern wolves.


Although she's never been one to feign innocence through womanly appeals or by appearing weak it's easy to mistake Hestia for a simple girl with simple motives. As a proud southern wolf she has learned to use the perception of others to her advantage but is not above using this acquired skill on her own people, particularly those that she feels work against the best interest of the southern wolves


Hestia has learned that giving her heart openly and putting her trust in others rarely works to her advantage. Rather she views it as an opportunity for others to use her weaknesses against her, and so has chosen to keep herself cold and distant from others. It's unlikely she'll ever let anyone in or put her faith in another person, regardless of how earnest the attempts of others might be. The most anyone could expect from her is a lie concocted to meet whatever needs she might have.


Hestia has a reputation as a hard worker and she intends to keep it that way. She feels she is naturally lazy and has surmounted this with daily rituals, forcing her to work constantly. Every fault in her work stands out clearly to her although others might not notice it, driving her to improve her skills constantly.

Alignment: Chaotic good

Pack position: a southern smith and master spear crafter


Not all the southern wolves were content with the peace formed between Mars and Eira, or the young prince's sudden upheaval. Hestia who had been raised on stories of the thieving and envious northern wolves was among those discontented few, and had been a well known face among the rebel forces . On the surface the woman had been a loyal member of the smithing guild, and often spoke of Mars's heroic deeds and his courage to seek peace, although this was simply a cover from her acts of subterfuge. Far too valuable to be named by captured rebels she was known among the southern fighters for arming them with her famously unbreakable spears and sheltering them when the presence of guards became too prominent. When the dishonored prince plotted to have his userper half brother exiled it was Hestia who laid the foundation for his plan to reach fruition. She devoted herself to the fallen prince's cause, convinced that he was the only wolf from the original bloodline to see past the trickery of the northern wolves, whether or not she was right however remains to be seen.

RP Sample:

Gone...It was all gone.

The southern lands, her home, her workshop, all gone; abandoned in a tide of scorching heat to turn to ash and leave nothing behind but permanent shadows imprinted where they once stood. Nausea had been the first sign of the coming end, the debilitating sickness that quickly turned to tumorous growths and unhealing ulcers, then the tar-black rain, promising nothing but a slow painful death for anyone who ventured into the shower or drank the ashy water. Finally came the animals, some with crisped limbs others seizing and frothing pink foam at the mouth. She had held on for far too long before she left and for all she knew the growing disease was already within her.

She had run for the sea, her mother promising that she would be right behind her, but the longer Hestia waited for her mother to find her, the longer she witnessed the devastation of her home. It was with a weighted heart that she took the plunge into the dark water, survival her only comfort as she battled the waves, drifting directionless at the whim of the tides.

She almost couldn't believe it when her paws touched land. The feeling of solid ground was almost foreign to her from the seemingly endless swimming; as she walked up the coast her body swayed as if it were still battling the ocean. The weight of her body on her limbs made her movements awkward as if she were a prey beast newborn learning to stand. She cast a glance about her, her body wracked with exhaustion. Where in all the hells was she? And more importantly, what was she supposed to do now?

Plots:  Her first move will be to find either Mars or Ig's brother, if she finds Ig first however she'll feign loyalty to him until she can safely stab him and any northern wolves he might find in the back .

Goals: Going to hold off on anything 100% concrete for now, but she'll push for Ig's brother or mars to start a pack of their own if they'll agree to keep out the northern wolves.

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  