
Burn, or freeze? - Adoptions



7 Years
Extra large
09-20-2018, 12:54 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2018, 11:16 AM by Torin.)
OOC Name: Lolaf
Which Adopt?: The Love Interest
Name: Lumi
  [Image: ice_ref_by_akujitheron-dcaeud4.png]
Appearance: Lumi is the epitome of dainty. There isn't an iota of fat or muscle on this wolf that isn't 100% necessary. You couldn't really call her big in any sense of the world; though not emaciated one could easily argue she might want to put a bit more meat on her bones. Lumi's limbs are thin and make them look longer than they are. In fact standing only 23 inches one might even call her tiny.

Not that it's easy to tell she's all that delicate because her pelt is incredibly thick, long and sticks out in all directions. She's a tiny puff ball of icy blue fur. Her pelt easily denotes her regional upbringing, the base of her color being whites and light blues. Her haunches, upper hind legs, under belly and chest, the tip of her muzzle and the upper part of her forelegs are snow white, while the tip and under side of her tail, her back, sides and back of her neck as well as the majority of her face and the lower portions of her legs are a pale greyish blue. Along her spine the white streaks down her sides in a sort of stripe like pattern and makes crack like markings on all her legs. This same white also marks her face around her eyes and in a particularly tribal like pattern on her head: two long lines one running from the top of her skull and the other from between her brows before a diamond pattern breaks off from both in the center of her crown. A second marking is below each eye, two tiny curved markings with a dot on each end. A deeper darker blue crowns the majority of her cranium. Lighter pale blue markings dot her face, running between both her eyes along the bridge of her nose and from each eye fold towards her ears.

Lumi's eyes nearly blend into her pelt, being the brightest, iciest color of blue on her whole body.

Personality: Lumi is a tiny sweetheart. She is friendly and energetic and endlessly kind. The woman never really seemed to grow out of her puphood energy, she constantly wants to learn new things, do new things, meet new wolves and loves to put a smile on other's faces. In fact she is happiest when making other happy.

The one thing age has given Lumi is the ability to tell when she should mellow. She can be respectful and even reverent at times when it is called for though eventually she will have to be allowed to work off her pent up energy; the longer she's forced to hold it in the more exuberant her release will be. The one exception to this rule being moments of tenderness, she can be soft and kind, specifically with those she is close to.

Lumi doesn't really have to much regard for hierarchy, she grew up in a society where few were considered more important than the majority so she does not have an innate respect for authority which could seem abrasive to some and certainly can get her into trouble with others.

The woman cares very deeply for others, just as she is happiest making others happy she can be negatively influenced by other's negative emotions. She will always do what she thinks is best for others even to her own detriment. Her emotions are deep and all genuine; she wears her heart on her sleeve and loves with her whole body and soul.

Alignment Neutral Good

History: Thanks to Eira's foresight Lumi grew up never knowing the real hostilities between her own people and those of the southern wolves, in particular she grew up very close to one of the princes Ignatius. The two were like peas in a pod, she never treated him as any more than he was due to her own upbringing and his temperament helped to balance out Lumi's own energy, the two spent many furtive days teaching each other of their disparate peoples. For Lumi she never truly understood the issues with their friendship, while she came to learn that Ig's family was considered higher than most and that somehow meant that him being seen fraternizing with a low born wolf she had never really grasped the ideology behind that reasoning.

Lumi fell fast and hard for her friend and it wasn't until Eira, one of the few wolves Lumi respected beyond just her station, disappeared and tensions rose between the two factions again. Their meetings became even more secret and it broke Lumi's heart that she couldn't be allowed to spend time with someone she cared about so deeply. Still they would continue their clandestine meetings until one day after a meeting she was cornered by a wolf she hadn't met, Ignatius' older half brother.

(The following can be changed to work with Ig's brother's player) Using her desire to do what's right for others against her the male threatened to go public with her relationship with the young prince, spinning their story as that of a conniving northern girl seducing the young innocent lovable heir into a relationship for her own gain. The peoples of the south would want retribution and with the tensions between the two regions reaching a breaking point war would be all but inevitable, and with it the lives of hundreds would be lost.

With his threat hanging over her head Lumi was coerced into helping him frame the man she loved. He made use of her access to the northern region and the trust her peoples had of her and orchestrated the "kidnapping" of a pair of young pups, keeping them in a hidden location until their disappearance was noted. Lumi put them on the trail and when the Northern search party turned up, angry and ready for vengeance the pups were planted in Ig's den, after being surrounded by a few of his possessions enough that they carried his sent, framing him as the kidnapper.

Driven from his lands for the crime he committed Lumi was once more left to wonder at the strange world the man she loved had grown up in, though this time she was left by herself. It seemed things would only get worse for the woman. Her whole world would change as a long forgotten power would erupt forcing the whole continent to flee from it's destructive power. Her people scattered and unsure where she belonged anymore Lumi would arrive on a strange and unfriendly continent.

RP Sample: Lumi rolled onto her back, staring through the grass as if looking for something in particular. In truth she was just about pushing a boundary she had been explicitly been told not to and had just enough nervousness about it she hadn't yet worked up the courage to do what she'd come here to do.

Rolling onto her paws the girl stood straight as a rod, her fur fluffed in all directions and her brow furrowed in concentration meant she looked about as determined a puff ball as she could be. Heck Iggy and his rules! she thought to herself as she stared out over a landscape she had never been to but had grown more than used to seeing. He's got a real stick up his butt, why should I let him stop me?

Lumi took a stiff, exaggerated step forwards, pulling her whole body across what she considered to be the invisible line that divided her nation from that of the Southern Kingdom. "Ha! See that wasn't so bad!" She declared allowed, letting out a forced laugh of triumph. As she stood in silence hearing her voice echo across the open space she felt her courage finally flagging.

"Okay well that's enough for one day I think!" She said to herself, immediately turning tail and making for home, squealing a little as she did so. Still it had to count as a victory, one she'd get to lord over Iggy the next time she saw him!

Plots: Depending on what the rper of Ig's brother wants, maybe she is technically "with" him right now, it wouldn't be a relationship she would want but it's a possibility. Of course I'd love to have her run into Ig again and depending on what's been plotted to see if she tries to convince him she was blackmailed. She still has feelings for Ig either way.

Goals: I'm really up in the air about this one, she'd love to finally be allowed to be with Ig and will follow him anywhere he goes but she's not a wolf really into the whole "ambition" thing.

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[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
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